Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Race in A Different Mirrorââ¬â¢ by Ronald Takaki - 1407 Words
In the first Chapter of the book ââ¬ËA Different Mirrorââ¬â¢ by (Takaki, 1993) the author embarks on a descriptive narrative that tries to elaborate the concept of a multiracial America. The chapter begins with the author taking a taxi ride in which he is subjected to racial discrimination. The taxi driver questions the authorââ¬â¢s origin owing to the fact that his English is perfect and eloquent. This incident prompts a discussion that transpires throughout the chapter as the author tries to explain to his audience that America is a multiracial country with different ethnic groups that moved from their homelands to settle in the United States. The chapter discusses the settlement of various racial groups such as; English immigrants, Africanâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦The first theme proclaims the royal monarchy by presenting the individual authority held by both the King and the queen. King Ferdinand of Aragon is established as the ruling authority of the Spanish kingdo m. His daughter Queen Juana is presented as the ruler of the two regions of Castile and Leon. God is recognized as the supreme creator of both the heavens and the earth. The origin of man is explained through the creation of Adam and Eve, whom are the original ancestors that all men and women descended from. The author then tries to explain the events that led to the formation of kingdoms, which is attributed to the fact that a single kingdom could not be sustained. This resulted in the division of mankind into various kingdoms. The second theme elaborates the transition of power from God to the monarchs. This transition occurs through an intermediate institution that transfers divine power through religious mechanisms onto a political leadership. Divine power form God is transferred onto the Papacy that is given supreme authority and dominion over all men. St Peter is the first pope whose kingdom is centered in Rome form where he rules over all men: Gentiles, Jews, Christians and any other religious groups. The Papal lineage is established as the supreme power structure and all Popes that descend from St Peter are treated with the same respect and proclaimed as lord and king. One such pope is responsible for donating the lands of the Americas onto the King andShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Article What Every American Should Know 1450 Words à |à 6 Pagesarticle to make his point of view even stronger. Ronald Takaki and Albert Murray are the two authors that Lui uses. When Murray and Takaki point of view s are presented in the article each of them uses different word to describe the diversity in their eyes. Takaki compares his point of view with Kaleidoscopic and Murray uses the example of hybrids. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
The Rich Benefits from the Poor Free Essays
string(128) " of employer resistance to labor unions, but originally the open shop crusades proved to be the most fruitful in the short-run\." The United States is the most developed capitalist economy in the world. The markets within the economy provide profit-motivated companies endless potential in the pursuance of pecuniary accumulation. Throughout the twentieth-century competitive companies have implemented modernized managerial procedures designed to raise profits by reducing unnecessary costs. We will write a custom essay sample on The Rich Benefits from the Poor or any similar topic only for you Order Now These cost-saving procedures have had a substantial effect on society and particularly members of the working class. Managers and owners of these competitive and self-motivated companies have consistently worked throughout this century to exploit the most controllable component of the production process: the worker. The worker has been forced by the influence of powerful and affluent business owners to work in conditions hazardous to their well being in addition to preposterously menial compensation. It was the masterful manipulation of society and legislation through strategic objectives that the low-wage workers were coerced into this position of destitute. The strategies of the affluent fragment of society were conceived for the selfish purpose of monetary gain. The campaigns to augment the business position within the capitalist economy were designed to weaken organized labor, reduce corporate costs, gain legislative control and reduce international competition at the expense of the working class. The owners have gained and continue to gain considerable wealth from these strategies. To understand why the owners of the powerful companies operate in such a selfish manner, we must look at particular fundamentals of both capitalism and corporation strategy. Once these rudiments are understood, we will more clearly relate the perspective of the profit-seeking corporations of America. Legal discussion will also be included to show how the capital possessing elite operate through political parties to achieve their financial objectives. It is the synergist effect of these numerous strategies that have lead to the widening income gap in America, persistent attempts of contraction in workerâ⬠s rights and increased corporate political influence. These campaigns have come at an expense to Americans and will only continue to benefit the affluent society. The United States is a capitalist economy. In a capitalist economy individuals who wish to gain wealth can invest their capital into markets in hopes of future returns. If this investment gains in value then the investor has earned a return, which can be reinvested. This creates a cycle of investing and reinvesting for potential future return. This wealth creating cycle is a fairly simple concept to understand, but wealthy individuals have learned to fabricate this cycle into different situations. A common form of investment is purchasing and selling of corporate stocks. The stock market works like all markets on the fundamental theory of supply and demand. The more demand for a stock the higher it is valued and conversely the less demand the less it is valued. Corporations are legal entities which issue stock to investors who purchase them and become shareholders of the company. The risk taken by investors is that when they buy stocks it is possible that the individual company will not do well, or that stock prices will generally weaken. At worst, it is possible to lose entire investments, but no more then that. Therefor, shareholders of a corporation are not responsible for corporate debts. So, a corporation would be a very attractive type of investment for potential investors to consider. Corporations compete against each other in markets in the United States and around the world. These corporations have employees who perform various functions that contribute to successful strategic goal completion. Corporations often will offer stock incentive plans strategically to employees in positions of importance. The enticement to employees is to work in a manner that will increase the value of the company and their shares of stock. These incentive plans were strategically developed by major shareholders because the corporate executives felt that people would be motivated to increase their own wealth. Most employees are motivated by money and will work harder when the chance is given for more money. The very nature of this strategy consolidates all the employees to act as one self-motivated entity in the pursuit of monetary accumulation. In Piven and Clowardâ⬠s Regulating the Poor, this point is illustrated: ââ¬Å"Capitalism, however, relies primarily upon the mechanisms of a market-the promise of financial rewards or penalties-to motivate men and women to work and to hold them to their occupational tasksâ⬠(4). The increased motivation of important members of the workforce by the enticing tactics of greed for wealth is a result of strategic planning by the major shareholders of the firm. The cost to these primary shareholders is the stock incentive plans needed additional stock to fulfill, which reduced the valuation of all stocks. The major shareholders know this devaluation is only temporary because self-motivated employees will act in a manner that will increase the value. The primary concept for discussion purposes is that self-motivated major shareholders have utilized the capitalist theory and thus, created a business compact with employees that will make self-motivated decisions on all levels. The strategy worked and throughout the country employees are busy increasing the value of their stock, but most importantly, they are increasing the value of the major shareholders. We will see this investing concept throughout most this paper because the wealthy resist adverse conditions with money. The Republican Party remained dominant throughout the 1920â⬠³s, remaining unaffected by factionalism that plagued the Democratic Party. The party continued to align its platforms with the southern whites, and owners and managers businesses. Even in extraordinary economic times of prosperity for the wealthy, the Republican Party continued to advocate industrial economic values. The primary dilemma to republican business interests was the labor problem. The Republicans finally concentrated their discussion on four broad approaches to labor problems: the progressive approach, the open shop approach, the efficiency-engineering approach, and the political approachâ⬠(Zeiger 11). Most businessmen resolved harshly to end labor activism and to quietly continue their profitable business interests. This behavior of this standpoint took the pattern of employer resistance to labor unions, but originally the open shop crusades proved to be the most fruitful in the short-run. You read "The Rich Benefits from the Poor" in category "Essay examples" The open shop crusade, now illegal because it gave employers the ability to hire prospective employees on the basis if they belonged or support trade union activities. This restricted the employeeâ⬠s ability to strike on a particular issue because they lack the power of numbers that a union possesses and could be replaced. Open shop enthusiasts were a major and vocal part of the Republican Party because of the financial resources they possess. Many republicans determined them intemperate and adherent, and their perspectives were damaging and extreme. These open shop enthusiasts constituted a vocal and influential segment of the party. They often proved quite effective in their efforts to chastise organized labor, for many Americans shared their concern. Still, many Republicans considered them extreme and doctrinaire, and their views harmful and inexpedientâ⬠(Zieger 74). It was these Republicans that lamented these controversial assaults on labor problems, such as Herbert C. Hoover who wished to devise a whole new style of labor relations based on the philosophies of efficiency and cooperation. By 1921 industrial engineers and other experts had developed the Taylor Society, the Federated American Engineering Societies. The Taylor Society was designed to improve the efficiency of a job-place in hopes of reducing severe factory working conditions. This in theory would increase aggregate production, which would lead to more available jobs and lower-unemployment. The main points to be established is that the Republican Party was support by wealthy business owners. The worst opponent of the worker is the wealthy business owner within the Republican Party. These are the characters that advocate extreme hostile tactics such as the open shop crusades. Regardless, they support the Republican Party financially and therefor the Republican Party acts as their voice politically. One component of the production process that can be controlled by management is automation. Regardless, the employee still performs a necessary function in the production process. The taylorization theory states employers have an incentive to make a job function more efficient. The increased efficiency results in lower production costs, lower aggregate unemployment rates and higher company profit returns. The industrial revolution was characterized by the widespread replacement of manual labor by machines that could perform the job functions quicker and or at lower costs. The industrial revolution was the result of interrelated fundamental changes that transform smaller market economies into an industrialized economy. Many products that were made at home or in small work units were transferred to large factories. Since the factories could produce at lower costs the product could be sold at a lower cost. This competitive advantage drove the smaller competition out of business. The people who profited from this effect were the owners of the mechanisms of production. This marks the beginning of an era where these wealthy owners would prosper over the working class. The aggregate effect of the increase production efficiency lead to the development of massive industrial parks. These parks expanded the scale of production dramatically and became concentrated in cities and large towns. Since traditional production relied heavily in the needs of local subsistence it gave way to the more market orientated production devices. This economically forced large numbers of the rural poor who moved to towns and cities to become the wage seeking labor force necessary to run rapidly expanding industries. This extensive movement of communities had a considerable result on labor prices and ultimately constrained these people to become the urban poor. The effect of the Industrial Revolution on American society was substantial. Income following workers increased the population of large towns and cities severely. From 1860 to 1900 the number of urban areas in the United States expanded fivefold. Even more striking was the explosion in the growth of big cities. In 1860 there were only 9 American cities with more than 100,000 inhabitants; by 1900 there were 38. Labor markets were flooded with eligible workers seeking employment and through pure labor competition they were willing to work in any environment for any wage. The environments factory laborers were forced to work in were considered by many Americans to be despicable. Regardless of the factory working conditions, many people were obligated to take the employment. Employment was necessary to generate income to support oneself and family. As a result, the Exploited workers received no power to contract with the owners of production. Instinctively managers and owners of capital have contrasting labor interests then those perspectives of employees. Wages and profits incomes divide the value that production adds, so by definition, labor and capital interests often are on opposing sides of social policy that affects the price level of the real wage. The real wage can be regarded as the price that equates the supply of and demand for laborâ⬠, (Foley and Michl 70). Owners and mangers of capital seek a flexible labor force, which is counter for the workerâ⬠s desire for stability and security in their employment and conditions of life. At this point in history, the affluent society of the United States was generating immense wealth by capitalizing on the poorer workerâ⬠s needs for minimal financial requirements. The wealthy invested their capital into factory production devises, which drove out smaller competing business from the market place. This profit seeking strategy worked because it economically forced resource deficient workers into the cities. The supply for labor increased, which coerced many employees to work for the affluent owners at a corresponding cut-rate real wage rate. These events began to illustrate a scenario that would set the scene for modifications in workerâ⬠s rights. The laborers had to develop a strategy to counteract the poverty-stricken working conditions imposed upon them by the owners of the factories. The labor market surplus further developed the workerâ⬠s dependency upon the self-motivated employer. Trade unions were formed to advocate alleviation of some dependency and support the workerâ⬠s efforts by gaining a quantifiable measure of power over their economic standing. Initially, the trade unions had limited success until they exercised the real true power workerâ⬠s have over employers: The strike. The strike in labor relations is a completely organized halt of work and production carried out by a large group of employees. The purpose of the strike is either enforcing workerâ⬠s demands that relate to unfair labor practices and or to employment conditions created by the self-motivated owner. The response to labor unions by business owners was the use of open shop tactics. ââ¬Å"Employersâ⬠organizations and business groups commenced a vigorous campaign for the open shop. Armed with the then-legal yellow-dog contract, by which an employer could require a prospective employee to agree not to join or support a unionâ⬠(Zeiger 20). The wealthy opposed the trade unionâ⬠s use of the concept of collective bargaining because it advocated the subject of workerâ⬠s rights. Collective bargaining is where individuals with interest in the matter negotiate their stipulations until a compromise is found. The wealthy industrialists despise that their interests would are in constant danger by collective bargaining. In response, ââ¬Å"Americaâ⬠s industrialist launched a well-financed general attack on the very concept of collective bargainingâ⬠(Zeiger 20). The use of collective bargaining proved to be an effective tool in bargaining with owners and managers. This meant that workerâ⬠s have finally developed a technique through labor unions that competently combats the proprietorâ⬠s regimen. During the 1920â⬠³s and 1930â⬠³s, strikes occurred as a natural feature of nationwide unions of the American Federation of Labor and other groups soon to be recognized as the Congress of Industrial Organizations. Striking had become a major weapon in the labor movement and was threatening the profitability of the production owners. ââ¬Å"The strikes and threatened strikes, the radical agitation, the sharp industrial depression, and the whole atmosphere of discord and unrest that pervaded the country endangered the Republic and demanded actionâ⬠(Zeiger 74). The wealthy republicans had to promote an offensive campaign to end this threat. So as previously stated, they adopted well-financed strategies aimed at the courts to obtain injunctions, which would legally prevented strikes in specific circumstances. The success of these strategies is confirmed in Zeigerâ⬠s Republicans and Labor 1919-1929, ââ¬Å"The 1920â⬠³s marked the climax of antilabor judicial activitiesâ⬠. (260) The basis the owner persuaded the courts with was that their property was either damaged or threatened and that they were powerless without legal solutions. It was the possession of financial resources that allowed the wealthy to recruit and employ powerful and persuasive lawyers. Legally persuading the courts of law with expensive lawyers was the sole purpose of the use of financial power to authoritatively force workers back into the production factories and produce profit for the owners. From the perspective of the wealthy, the application of financial resources to generate future income is honorable capitalism regardless of the situationsâ⬠context. The power of wealth even can influence courts of law through lawyers and thereby, give the wealthy extreme power in legislation during this period in history. The Democratic Party during this era was experiencing outbursts of factionalism. The convention in 1924 was racial divided by southern whites and the northern urban blacks. The future success of the party was depended on the need for a change. The strategy developed by the leaders was to begin the alteration of the Democratic Party appeal. The leaders of the Democratic Party realized that poor people could be a powerful voting coalition. The great depression of 1929 forced millions of people into unemployment and poverty. These unemployed workers practiced approaches of protest through disruption demonstrations. These massive demonstrations help encouraged the working class voterâ⬠s hostility and defection of the Republican Party. The Democratic Party thus capitalizing on this realigned their platform to advocate the needs of poor people with the intent to gain votes. This re-alignment of party policy angered the southern democrats whose views were becoming more Republican. Having lost the southern support, the Democratic Party became the primary political instrument of vocalization and evolution of labor class politics. ââ¬Å"During the electoral realignment of the 1930â⬠³s, the Democrats gained the overwhelming allegiance of most manual workers and their unionsâ⬠, (Piven and Cloward 421). The alignment of the working class with the Democratic Party coalition developed two powerful strategies to combat the wealthy and business leaders. As stated previously, the workers held extreme striking power over the means of production in factories. Now they had power in the organization of the working class population and could coordinate their votes to consolidate political force for their perspectives. The concept is similar to how the employees of a corporation have incentives to pursue company goals as a team. ââ¬Å"The main political project of labor parties became the use of state power to develop the welfare stateâ⬠(Piven and Cloward 21). Therefor, in the 1930â⬠³s the democrats became a party of vigorous government intervention in the economy and thus the social realm. The goals of the party were to regulate, redistribute economic wealth and to protect people who are in need of assistance in an increasingly competitive society. The depression of 1929 and the coming of Franklin D. Roosevelt into the presidency with the New Deal help syndicate and enlarge the commitment to governmental expansions of assistance programs and industry regulation. Due to the economic conditions of the era, the advocators of economic assistance proved to be attractive to society and The Democratic Party flourished. The result of these campaigns was increased workerâ⬠s rights and a seemingly practical welfare state. Massive unemployment during the Great Depression created a socially dysfunctional society. Without the ability to create income through employment, basic physiological necessities were not being met. ââ¬Å"When large numbers of people are suddenly barred from their traditional occupations, the entire structure of social control is weakened and may even collapseâ⬠(Piven and Cloward 7). During the depression, society experienced this symptom, which resulted in massive protests. The Democratic Party under the direction of Roosevelt recognized the need for government intervention. The party aligned itself with the working class and began to advocate workerâ⬠s rights legislation. Under Democratic Party control, federal funds were used to establish the Works Progress Administration, now known as the Work Project Administration, which distributed assistance to citizens in need of subsistence. In 1935, Roosevelt again used federal funds to create public works programs, which gave employment opportunities to the unemployed. As a result of declining republican political power, these and other initiatives were introduced to help increase workerâ⬠s rights. These workerâ⬠s rights that the Democratic Party supported were the same rights that the Republican Party had worked so hard to repress from regulation. In addition to passing labor rights laws, legislative action was taken against the wealthy industrialistâ⬠s use of legal injunctions. These lawful injunctions were used as an intimidating scheme to suppress union membership and ultimately strikes. In 1932 the U. S. ongress enacted the Norris-La Guardia Anti-Injunction Act. This legislation severely limited the self-motivated employerâ⬠s use of injunctions as a standard operating procedure against strikes. Another tactic of wealthy employers to combat unions was the use of the open shop strategy. Abolishment of the open shop regime was usually one of the primary demands by labor unions in collective bargaining. The National Labor Relations Act of 1935, known as the Wagner act, because of its sponsor Robert Wagner was adopted and help end the open shop crusades. This act federally guaranteed workers the right to organize through trade unions, use of collective bargaining and firmly incorporated a set of employment standards. It also restricted employers from practicing pre-employment tactics such as the open shop strategy. This reduced the power that republican business representatives could exert over the prospective and employed worker. In addition, the federal mandated right of collective bargaining guaranteed workers negotiation hearings in which employers had to listen to the workerâ⬠s needs. Congress also established the Social Security Act, which is a form of social welfare. In 1938, the United States Congress implemented the Fair Labor Standards Act. This primary functions of this act was to eliminate labor conditions that are dangerous to workâ⬠s health and productivity, it also established a minimum wage to eliminate the disastrous effects of high labor supplies, overtime wages were developed to eliminate excessive work weeks, and finally it eliminate oppressive child labor. The result of the Democratic Party effect on legislation during the labor movement is essential a bill of rights granted to the working class of America. No longer would the wealthy elite of America victimize the low wage working class in such inhumane techniques. Instead, these legislative acts marked the beginning of a new challenge to the Republican Party. Now the party had to reclaim lost legal ground by slowly returning to power of the United States Government. The legislative mandates of the Roosevelt era helped establish what is now known as the labor movement. Society was suffering adverse conditions and the Democratic Party mobilized the people into a political voice. The Republican Party was essentially powerless, regardless of their financial position because government officials were responding to public outcries. This historically proves that when conditions are unfair, a political party can mobilize society and gain control. Roosevelt also initiated measures that resulted in higher taxes on the rich and restricted private utility companies. Although these combinations did not stop the wealthy republicans from continuing to gain additional wealth, it only slowed their progress. History when again prove that the Republican Party would come back into power and restrict the rights of workers. This occurred when a Republican majority Congress passed the Labor-Management Relations Act of 1947, known as the Taft-Hartley Act evidencing this reoccurring political phenomenon. This act retracted some of the rights that were implemented during the labor movement. These provisions included restricting supervisory employeeâ⬠s protection from the NLRA and emphasized the right of employees not to join a labor union. These restrictions of labor rights were in the interest of the Republican Party and were created to reduce the power previous legislation granted labor unions. The successful creation of this statute reinforces the evidence that wealthy Republicans continually attempt to swindle the blue-collar labor class. Their motives are based within selfish financial greed and capitalist economy theory. This congressional act illustrates the phenomenon that bipartisan control and power is cyclical. The Democrats did regained majority of congress and implemented numerous anti-business and social interest acts in the 1960â⬠³s. Due to the political cycle, The Republican Party inevitable would gain control of congress once again, but the question was when? During the economic crisis of the seventies, particularly the great recession of 1973-1975 businesses began to understand their role in the worldâ⬠s economy. America was importing more then it was exporting, which was creating an unfamiliar and enormous trade deficit. ââ¬Å"In 1971, for the first time since the 1890â⬠³s, the U. S. imported more then it exportedâ⬠, (Cohen and Rogers 36) Increased competition from foreign firms posed a substantial threat to American corporations. The result of this threat forced American corporations to compete with globalization. Corporations could no longer produce simple marketing campaigns to develop brand loyal consumers. Global competition forced these companies to produce the highest quality, lowest price and distribute through efficient channels. The international competition however, operating in countries were labor is cheaper, taxes are lower, there is fewer industry regulations and an absence of unions. In addition to these competitive forces, managers of the corporations must also answer to the wealthy shareholders of the corporation. Many business leaders formed think tanks to devise strategies to compete with this new threat. American business leaders set about developing a political program to shore up profits by slashing taxes and business regulation, lowering wages and welfare spending, and building up American military power abroadâ⬠, (Piven and Cloward 443). The sources of all of these objectives were rooted within government policies. These policies would inevitable have to change for these goals to be achieved. So, the corporate elite implemented a political strategy that would slowly form over decades to achieve. Even in modern times the wealthy elitist of society still could influence political matters through the power massive financial resources. During the 1980â⬠³s business elite continued to align themselves with the Republican Party for it conservative ideals. The methods the wealthy corporation shareholders influence legislation during modern times has extremely advanced. The development of political action committees has encouraged corporations to channel financial contributions into political campaigns. Corporations will develop a PAC, establish a set of issues that it promotes politically. If a politician is campaigning for an election with corresponding views, then it is in the best interest of the PAC to contribute to the campaign. More importantly, corporations are to contribute to groups and individuals not directly affiliated with a candidate, such as the GOP. These groups or individuals can register, persuade voters, endorse a platform, advocate a candidate and oppose another. The Supreme Court ruled that the First Amendment of the Constitution protected this type of spending as a form of free speech in its 1976 decision, Buckley vs. Valeo. These donations are referred to as ââ¬Å"soft moneyâ⬠because they are not directly related to a campaign. The absence of regulation on soft money donations results in the option for corporations to contribute millions of dollars to further their political interest. This advantage has a profound effect in the corporate political strategy. ââ¬Å"[Corporations] can simply treat politics as a business expense, a budget item like advertising, research and development, or public relationsâ⬠(Clawson, Neustadl, and Weller 109). Through the strategy of the use of campaign contributing ââ¬Å"soft moneyâ⬠, corporations have vastly increased their influence on political issues. This new corporate political influence has succeeded in their campaign to minimize threats to profitability. These threats were reduced most noted during the Reagan years when the Republican Party dominated the government. ââ¬Å"The administration has made significant cuts in social spending, particularly in low income programs, and made plain its desire for deeper cuts; achieved a massive, and massively regressive, revision of the Federal tax system in 1981; dramatically scaled back the enforcement of regulations that posed any significant limits to business powerâ⬠, (Cohen and Rogers 38). This success demonstrates the influential power that wealth has over the United States government. The government by definition should act in the best interest of the population and not the elite. Instead the influx of soft money continues to be unregulated and as proven by the Supreme Court decisions in 1976. This decision closely resembles how the courts protected the rights of employers in the labor disputes of the 1920â⬠³s. The reasons why the rich corporations target the government are because the government holds the supreme lawful power over the entire population. History has proven to these elitists that with well financed operations targeting campaigning officials over time favorable legislation will be passed. The legislation usually reduces some sort of cost or regulation in that firms industry. This increases the profitability of the company, which is directly related to the ownerâ⬠s wealth. These incremental increases in profits have lead to more investments to further heighten the value of the wealthy. This is apparent by the vast and increasing gap between the rich and the poor in America. The poor are relatively easy targets in comparison to the costs of soft money contributions. In America, it is very difficult for the poor to change their financial status. So, once a person is poor they are generally poor for the rest of their lives. They will continue to spend their lives spending the little money on the products these corporations provide. In short, the corporations are developing an enlarging consumer base that is dependent upon their products. The middle class is slowly disappearing because of the loss of blue-collar jobs. The loss of blue-collar jobs is a symptom of the increasing presence of globalization. Globalization has privileged companies to outsource their production needs to other countries with lower regulation and labor costs. This resembles much of the labor practices of companies in the 1920â⬠³s were the labor rights were essentially ignored. Another easy solution to minimize the firms operating costs is by eliminating valuable jobs. These sometimes massive downsizing satisfied the wealthy stockholders because the firm had lower production costs and higher profitability. Investors often applaud the news of a layoff as a sign of corporate turn-around. The payroll is a large, ongoing liability to the balance sheet, and investors are titillated by anything that reduces itâ⬠, (Downs 14). History repeats itself as we see that wealthy investors and managers again behave in manners regardless of peopleâ⬠s needs. The forces unleashed by corporate executions and globalization have brought into the labor market thousands of unskilled job seekers with little or no income. A new underclass has of previously employed individuals has become a nationwide trend in our social and economic condition. These people are forced to take jobs within the service sector and these jobs typical pay wages that are lower then those of manufacturing jobs. These trends have formed a synergetic effect on the growing wealth gap between the rich and the poor. In todayâ⬠s modern economy companies do not have to worry about the United States government regulating the labor industries in other countries because of jurisdiction. The use of soft money in the United States government has proven that even at home corporations can freely advocate legislation that is favorable to their terms. This has had a profound effect on the income gap in American society. The wealthy possess financial resources that provide enormous opportunities to create more wealth. This need for excessive wealth is deeply rooted into the personalities of these individuals. In America, society considers the pursuit of wealth has a fundamental right of capitalism. The ethical boundary was crossed by the use of financial resources to victimi How to cite The Rich Benefits from the Poor, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Dead Men Do Tell Tales Essay Example For Students
Dead Men Do Tell Tales Essay For nearly a century the science of forensics has grown from a barely understood art to a marvel of modern science. From development of finger printing in the early 1900s, to DNA gene matching of today, forensic pathology and anthropology have blossomed into the laws best weapons against criminals that stalk our world. In Dead Men Do Tell Tales we enter the world of Dr. William Maples, PhD of the C A Pound Human Identification Center in Gainesville, Florida-an often brutal and ghoulish realm of dismembered corpses, hastily torched cremains of hapless victims or those dumped in septic tanks to rot and putrefy in the other detritus of mans remains. Dr. Maples own study is the field of forensic anthropology-the study of the human skeleton, and this mans expertise in that field has cemented my interest in amateur study of forensics. Told in the first person, Maples comes across as brilliant and personable, if a little supremely confident in his own abilities as an investigator. And like Stephen Hawkings A Brief History of Time, isnt afraid to admit when he has erred. Where the book shines, aside from its plethora of information, is in the presentation of that information-Maple never uses terms that he doesnt explain, knowing full well that the book is going to be read more by laymen like me than a peer within the profession. So do not expect detailed treatises on anatomy, pathology or pages of chemical breakdowns. Instead, Maples presents an easy to understand work that is surprising in its level of detail, and a credit to himself and his co-author, Michael Browning, for making it understandable. Though it is a book on anthropology, one cannot write about one subject without at least touch on the pathology end, since the two are intimately related. After explaining his own origins from his birth in Dallas, Texas, his schooling and odd jobs he held in order to pay for his college-mostly that of riding shot gun in an ambulance while working for a mortuary as they sped from accident to accident, trying to scoop business away from competing funeral homes. He majored in English, but took a course on anthropology on a lark at the suggestion of his university counselor. In so doing he met Tom McKern, who impressed Maples with his skill as a teacher, mentoring himself to the older professor. Past the first chapter we enter Maples job, past his trapping baboons in Africa in 1960s to his eventual relocation as Gainesville and the CA Pound offices there. Florida, he describes, is a living organism with highways making up its arterial system, and a place where criminals, like blood cells, pass through, dumping their often mutilated cargo of human debris. In many ways I believe he softened the blow in his descriptions of finding the body of man in a septic tank where it had been for over a decade or that of three murdered drug dealers near a golf course who had beenà executed by fellow criminals then unceremoniously tossed into a pit to be buried. Mere words cannot describe these gruesome atrocities, but he makes it clear that while it doesnt bother him anymore, it does turn even the hardest cop green with nausea. His affinity with tools, since they are so often used as murder weapons, has led him to collect quite an assortment of hatchets, crow bars, hammers, saws-and could often be found in the hardware department at Sears looking at tools, trying to find the right one that matches the damaged bone. His expertise in this field enabled him to study John Merricks remains-the Elephant Man of the 19th century, and even to Russia where he examined the skeletonized remains of Tsar Nicholas and his family, almost seventy years after they were murdered by Bolsheviks during the 1917 revolution. All of this experience-almost forty years before his death in 1999, has set Maples in his ways. He possesses a strong, passionate belief that there is true evil in the world, and that somehow the world is better off without certain murderers around; though this is tempered by his own research into the most humane ways to execute someone. .u99f4d5fdb2125730f2738e7c2b162c84 , .u99f4d5fdb2125730f2738e7c2b162c84 .postImageUrl , .u99f4d5fdb2125730f2738e7c2b162c84 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u99f4d5fdb2125730f2738e7c2b162c84 , .u99f4d5fdb2125730f2738e7c2b162c84:hover , .u99f4d5fdb2125730f2738e7c2b162c84:visited , .u99f4d5fdb2125730f2738e7c2b162c84:active { border:0!important; } .u99f4d5fdb2125730f2738e7c2b162c84 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u99f4d5fdb2125730f2738e7c2b162c84 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u99f4d5fdb2125730f2738e7c2b162c84:active , .u99f4d5fdb2125730f2738e7c2b162c84:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u99f4d5fdb2125730f2738e7c2b162c84 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u99f4d5fdb2125730f2738e7c2b162c84 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u99f4d5fdb2125730f2738e7c2b162c84 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u99f4d5fdb2125730f2738e7c2b162c84 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u99f4d5fdb2125730f2738e7c2b162c84:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u99f4d5fdb2125730f2738e7c2b162c84 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u99f4d5fdb2125730f2738e7c2b162c84 .u99f4d5fdb2125730f2738e7c2b162c84-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u99f4d5fdb2125730f2738e7c2b162c84:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Fahrenheit 451 Essay ThesisDead Men Do Tell Tales is a fascinating, enjoyable read-captivating in its insights in forensic pathology and anthropology in a language that everyone can understand. It gives the novice reader in the field a general understanding of the chemical changes our bodies go through as they decompose, the organs and other bodily system are rendered down in the earth-by insects and animals, and how evidence is gleaned off bones-chisel marks, bullet holes, little nicks and scratches that can tell the investigator what tool was used, and a little insight from Maples point of view of the people who used them. It is a fascinating, engrossing book that anyone with a reasonably strong stomach should be able to enjoy. Its a fiitting testimony to a highly skilled man who is sadly no longer with us. Thank you, Dr. Maples.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
My Handsome Boy Named Scooter free essay sample
Boy Named Scooter Judith A. Bell ENG 121 Thomas, Cooper December 2, 2012 One gorgeous summer day, I decided to stop in our local Humane Society and peep in on the new dogs. It was love at first site, my handsome boy Scooter sat in the corner of the last cage I peered in. Our eyes met and we both knew he was coming home with me that very day. I put a brand new bright neon green collar and leash on him as if he and I were proââ¬â¢s, it fit perfectly. I then knew we were off to a beautiful start of our relationship. I just knew we were going to become the best of friends forever. On the car ride home, he sat so adorable in the seat next to me. We both were so excited to get home, we could barely wait. It felt like we were on pins and needles all the way there. We will write a custom essay sample on My Handsome Boy Named Scooter or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page After arriving to Scooterââ¬â¢s new forever home, I immediately went to work on setting up the house for a puppy. Laying down puddle papers, food, and water down in certain spots is necessary. So, He could easily get used to his surroundings. He could even tell me from the start, with his amazing nose, where I put his treats. He put his front paws on the cabinet and started barking. The next day, we went out in the back yard to let Scooter experience the alluring long bladed grass. He ran and ran until his itty bitty body was plum wore out. He slept like a newborn baby that night, and from that point on, every night in his bed witch was as soft and plushy as mine. Another morning, Scooter awoke with a blissful look on his face, so I decided to capture the moment and go for a peaceful bike ride. The next thing I know, I hear a yelp like I have never heard before. He somehow got his cute little nose/mouth in the spokes. I immediately saw bright red blood, so we rushed off to the animal hospital. The vet took a look at Scooter; he then turned to tell me he lost two teeth. I felt terrible and started to cry. Thatââ¬â¢s when the vet whispered, Scooter will be just fine. I was so elated, and ready to go home. After a few months of pure bliss for us both, Scooter started running out of our yard to chase cars going by. The next thing I heard was an extremely high yelp again. A small orange as the sun, car hit my handsome boy. I tried to scoop him up to see how horrific his wounds were. I became very upset at what I saw, his back left leg was terribly hurt and that familiar smell of blood was present. This time Scooter needed stiches and a cast. The vet again whispered to me, he is a very luck boy, and must have nine lives. And again we returned home to recover from his wounds. He never has gotten the full use of his leg back since. Right away, my husband put a fence up around our whole five acres. Now that a few years have gone by my handsome boy is slowing down. He uses three legs as if he was born that way. This just shows me, that no matter how bad things can get, we can overcome anything but death. And, my handsome boy and I will be there for each other, for the rest of our lives. `All in all, my handsome boy Scooter has gone through terrible accidents, but I will always treat him as if he is my child. I rescued him, and I will continue to cherish and love every moment we have together. I recommend that everyone should adopt at least one dog in their lifetime. There will never be a dull moment, and the love you exchange is unbelievable. My handsome boy Scooter will hold a piece of my heart forever.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Collision Martial Art School
Collision Martial Art School Executive summary Collision Martial Artsââ¬â¢ vision statement is to provide the means for each and every individual to possess a more productive and fulfilling life experience from martial arts by learning respect, honor, self discipline, self defense and physical fitness in a professional structure and friendly environment.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on Collision Martial Art School specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The main objective is to create an environment where individuals will learn martial arts while enjoying their experience, inner personal growth and physical and mental achievement. For Collision to fulfill these targets, the company has to provide its customers with the highest quality martial arts training and physical fitness, which will increase their self esteem, concentration, discipline and self growth (Braun 2002). Market summary Market size, trends and opportunities Trends in the industr y show that individuals are no longer seeking martial arts classes primarily for defense skills but are mostly driven by other reasons such as recreation and fitness needs. Parents enroll their children in order to keep them active, while the elderly seek such services to increase their balance and coordination. Growth in the industry will be driven by cultural and societal trends, with more and more people seeking martial arts for therapeutic and health reasons. The US is undergoing a culture change that has seen more and more people gain interest in routine exercise. As people adopt the living healthily norm, Collision Martial Arts will take advantage of the opportunity by opening several outlets within Chicago, and other major cities within the country. Collision may also take advantage of this by continually informing the public on the importance of keeping fit through martial arts programs. The market is expected to achieve a 15 per cent growth rate in near future, fueled by ch anges in societal preferences and population growth in Chicago. Campaigns on losing weight and fighting obesity currently sweeping the nation are encouraging individuals to join, and enroll their children, in fitness centers such as martial arts schools in order to improve on their health. Some people have also expressed their dissatisfaction with diet products since they take time to be effective, and also deny people the opportunity to occasionally eat appealing foods that may be high in fats.Advertising Looking for coursework on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More These people can turn to martial arts schools that offer fitness programs, whereby the individuals can also benefit from the discipline taught in such schools, such as perseverance, humility and courage. Collision Martial Arts School can provide weight loss classes, or programs, to attract this class of individuals. Baby boomers also presen t an opportunity for the growth of Collision Martial Arts Schoolââ¬â¢s revenues. The number of over 60 year olds visiting fitness centers has increased as the old individuals try to keep fit and avoid the health problems associated with their old age. Most of he old are also retirees, and may need a hobby to engage in, and a place where they could also socialize with their peers. Collision could incorporate involving activities in some of its classes in a bid to attract the older members of the society. For a martial arts establishment to succeed in the industry, the business should have a competitive pricing policy and favorable hours of operations. Location will also serve as a competitive factor, with establishments near suburbs and other residential areas having more competitive advantage. Start-up costs of setting up a martial arts establishment are relatively low, indicating that there are limited barriers to entry (Bates 2008). Collision Martial Arts School has to differen tiate itself in order to offset growth expected increase in competition as the market grows. The main threat that Collision Martial Arts School faces comes from fully specialized martial arts schools such as Degerberg Academy, Shinjinkai, Jiu-Jitsu Institute and POW! Kids who all offer more facilities and activities. Indirect competitors in the form of gyms and other fitness centers may take advantage of the popularity growth of martial arts by offering classes in their facilities, thereby increasing competition in the industry.Advertising We will write a custom coursework sample on Collision Martial Art School specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Other competitors offering low cost classes in studio sized facilities also present a challenge for new entrants into the market. Most low cost establishments offer more convenience to their clients due to their proximity to residential areas. An economic downturn may also affect Collision Mart ial Arts School since martial arts could be considered by most as a non-essential service. A downturn in the economy would result into sharp drops in revenues as more people cut back on expenses. Market demographics Martial arts include various disciplines, including Muay Thai, Judo, Jiu Jitsu, Aikido, and Tae Kwon Do. Most martial arts schools teach popular disciplines, while Collision seeks to offer mixed classes, emphasizing on disciplines that enforce the schoolââ¬â¢s strategy of keeping its students fit and healthy. Majority of the adults who engage in martial arts do so as a way of keeping fit, rather than reasons such as learning vital martial arts fighting skills. Women may partake in martial arts for security reasons, believing that stand a better chance of defending themselves once they have enrolled for martial arts classes. More boys than girls are likely to be interested in martial arts, in terms of children. The reason behind this may be that boys are more physicall y active than girls. Ethnicity is not an issue in martial arts, with people of all cultural backgrounds standing almost similar probabilities of enrolling for martial arts classes. The household income could also influence recruitment in martial arts classes, whereby the more the income, the more the chances that the parents, or their children, could enroll for martial arts. This could be due to the added disposable income, whereby such parents are more likely to indulge in other activities after satisfying their basic and social needs.Advertising Looking for coursework on health medicine? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Martial arts schools and fitness centers that are located in high income neighborhoods have a higher probability of success than those located in low income residential areas. Another reason for this is that martial arts could be perceived as an activity for the wealthier in society, therefore explaining why more fitness facilities are located in affluent residential areas. Customer preferences People would prefer martial arts schools that are located in proximity with their residential areas in order to provide ease of transport to and fro their homes. A martial arts center that is situated in the middle of a residential area is likely to generate interest from the local inhabitants. Adults will be more comfortable when enrolling for martial arts schools when they know that they can access such facilities without disrupting their daily schedule. A close school would mean that adults can access evening classes after they get of work related activities. No frills fitness establishmen ts are gaining popularity in the country, with customers of such establishment saving costs by purchasing only basic requirements. Customers may prefer saving on unnecessary expenses, such as a personal locker and showers, when they can easily access them in their homes. Low cost competitors take advantage of this by not offering traditional amenities such as lockers and showers, thereby passing on the cost savings to customers who will simply attend a martial arts class and take showers in their houses. Long term contracts, such as annual and 6 month contracts, could deter potential customers who want to learn martial arts for a few weeks. Lengthy contracts greatly inconvenience customers since they make them indebted to the martial arts school once they sign the contracts. Further more, customers may reallocate to another region, making it harder to access the schools facilities even though they the school still expects them to pay monthly subscriptions. Marketing strategies Targe t market The main basis for segmentation in this market would be through age distribution. Collision martial arts school is in a broad market, whereby the school aims to position itself with the young generation. The school projects that 50 per cent of its members will be in the 6-12 age groups, while only 30 per cent of members will be aged 30 or above. Due to the largely young member base, the school will be a fun and exciting place for members to train and improve their fitness levels. The school will also offer a wide variety of activities in order to keep members interested and involved in the school. Collision aims to market itself as a one-stop martial arts school, whereby students can expect to learn a wide range of activities. Parents can be assured that their children will be taught on how to manage their energy in positively, develop endurance and humility and above all, respect for others. Collision may occasionally require its students to engage in volunteer programs si nce the school wants its students to grow both physically and internally. The goal of the school is to teach its students to succeed by providing them with the tools of becoming positive role models, and to contribute to society by making it a better place for all members of the community. Marketing mix The main goal of Collision Martial Arts School is to provide its members with quality martial arts instructions and training, while facilitating a safe and positive learning environment where students of all ages can have an enjoyable experience. The 2100 sqf space leased by the school will be spacious enough to accommodate various classes that will be taking place simultaneously. The school will be located 2934 N Milwaukee making it easily accessible and providing ample parking space for all members. The schoolââ¬â¢s 10 experienced instructors are assured to deliver quality training services to all members. The Collision Martial Arts School will take on a cost leadership approach in its pricing policy. A value-priced fee structure of $80 per month for members aged between 6 and 12 years old will be adopted. Beginners and intermediates, who will form part of the basic program, will be charged $85 per month, while the Black Belt Club members, who are more competitive, will be charged $90 per month. The cost structure is not rigid as the school will periodically review the fees paid by loyal members, while promotional discounts will also be offered to members who recruit new students. The school will carry out an aggressive promotional campaign, with school teams setting up demonstrations of the Collisionââ¬â¢s activities in local shopping and strip malls parking lots in order to create awareness and develop interest in Collision martial arts school. Advertisements will be placed in popular fitness magazines and newspapers. The school will offer 30 days of free lessons to all interested persons, whereby the school expects to recruit six to eight out of ever y 10 people who take up the free lessons offer. An introductory package of $29 will feature two personal training sessions, together with a uniform. An introductory 6 month contract Collision martial arts school aims to position itself as a modern martial arts institution, relying on its modern state of the art facilities, quality instructions and convenient hours. The schoolââ¬â¢s member base will largely be made up of young kids, hence implemented programs will be entertaining and adventuresome, providing a fun and exciting place for young members to train and learn. The school will not be limited to young members as Collision will also provide services for the local police force, bodyguards and anyone interested in martial arts in the Chicago area, thereby providing the school with a wider revenue steam. Assuring accessibility to the schoolââ¬â¢s classes would be a quick and effective way of increasing membership. Favorable pricing policies are likely to attract and retain members, and ward off the competitionsââ¬â¢ efforts. Differentiation of services at the martial arts school will increase the intrinsic value to consumers, thereby increasing levels of loyalty and lower membership turnover rates. Effective promotional activities that communicate Collision Martial Arts School value delivery and affordability will create awareness for the schoolââ¬â¢s classes and profile, increasing interest in martial arts, hence lead to increase in membership rates. Location and layout Location Collision Martial Arts School will serve a large community area in Chicago, along W North Ave. the area is far from the noise and pollution of the city, and nearness to the park means that students can go on runs in order to exercise for the classes. The location also experiences little traffic, so members can easily access the classes with little restrictions. Collision martial arts school will focus spending on flooring, installing mirrors, restrooms and an office are a, a front desk sales counter and a store front sign. Simplicity will be the theme of the layout, with a simple studio equipped with mirrors whereby students can evaluate their movements during class sessions. Floor mats will be used to make sure that students learn martial arts in a safe environment, and prevent potential injuries. Labor needs and supply Collision requires 10 martial arts instructors with experience in various disciplines, therefore providing valuable input in teaching. The owner of Collision Martial arts school, Cinthia Flores, has a fifth degree black belt in judo, and will be available to offer her invaluable knowledge to the school. The staff should be willing to work on flexible hours, though a schedule will drawn up to make sure that their time is used appropriately, especially in full classes. The floor space will be big enough to handle a class of up to 15 individuals at a time, whereby classes can be divided in case members exceed the number. Five to six t eachers will be constantly involved in personal training sessions, while the rest will be deal with class activities. Collision Martial Arts Schoolââ¬â¢s location is a drive away from children centers such as Hope Christian School and Frances Starms Early Childhood, thereby enforcing on Collisionââ¬â¢s strategy of targeting young members. Occasionally, two instructors may be sent into the field to create awareness and promote the collision martial arts school in areas such as shopping malls and schools in accordance with the schoolââ¬â¢s marketing campaign. The instructors will be paid commission, and over time, for their efforts. Schools and shopping malls will be alerted well in advance in order to allow the school to plan for the visits, and schedule their sale force. Financials Gross profit margins Collision will have to offer an attractive pay package in order to keep its experienced instructors. Martial arts teachers will receive an annual salary of between $15,000 an d $20,000 per year, depending on their experience and work load. This would mean that the martial arts school would have to make more than $200,000 a year in order to break even. An aggressive campaign will try to recruit more members, and ultimately revenues for the school. The proposed future plans to expand and accommodate a health club exercise gym for parents to enjoy while children are in classes will increase membership, while plans to train police officers in the near future will provide the school with more revenue streams. References Bates, M. (2008). Health fitness management: a comprehensive resource for managing and operating programs and facilities, 2nd ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics. Braun, E. (2002). How to Buy and Manage a Fitness Club: A Guide to Success and Profit. Haverford, PA: Buy Books on the web.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Princess Elizabeth Becomes Queen at Age 25
Princess Elizabeth Becomes Queen at Age 25 Princess Elizabeth (born Elizabeth Alexandra Mary on April 21, 1926) became Queen Elizabeth II in 1952 at the age of 25. Her father, King George VI suffered from lung cancer for much of his later life and died in his sleep on February 6, 1952, at age 56. Upon his death, Princess Elizabeth, his oldest daughter, became Queen of England.à The Death and Burial of King George VI Princess Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Philip, were in East Africa when King George died. The couple had been visiting Kenya as part of the beginning of a planned five-month tour of Australia and New Zealand when they received the news of King Georges death. With this very sad news, the couple immediately made plans to return to Great Britain. While Elizabeth was still flying home, Englands Accession Council met to officially determine who was the heir to the throne. By 7 p.m. it was announced that the new monarch would be Queen Elizabeth II. When Elizabeth arrived in London, she was met at the airport by Prime Ministerà Winston Churchillà to begin preparation for the viewing and burial of her father. After laying in state at Westminster Hall for over 300,000 people to pay respect to his image, King George VI was buried on February 15, 1952,à at St. Georges Chapel in Windsor, England. The funeral procession involved the entire royal court and 56 chimes from Big Ben, one for each year of the kings life.à The First Television Broadcast Royal Coronation Over a year after her fathers death, Queen Elizabeth IIs coronation was held at Westminster Abbeyà on June 2, 1953. It was the first televised coronation in history (yet excluded the communion and anointing). Before the coronation, Elizabeth II and Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh, moved into Buckingham Palace in preparation for her reign.à Although it was highly believed that the royal house would assume Philips name, becoming theà House of Mountbatten, Elizabeth IIs grandmother, Queen Mary, and Prime Minister Churchill favored retaining theà House of Windsor.à à Ultimately, Queen Elizabeth II released a proclamation on April 9, 1952, a full year before the coronation, that the royal house would remain as Windsor. However, after the death of Queen Mary in March of 1953, the name Mountbatten-Windsor was adopted for male-line descendants of the couple.à Despite Queen Marys untimely death three months prior, the coronation in June continued as planned, as the former queen had requested before her death. The coronation gown worn by Queen Elizabeth II was embroidered with the floral symbols of Commonwealth countries including the English Tudor rose, Welsh leek, Irish shamrock, Scots thistle, Australian wattle, New Zealand silver fern, South African protea, Indan and Ceylon lotus, Pakistani wheat, cotton, and jute and the Canadian maple leaf.à The Current Royal Family of England As of February 2017, Queen Elizabeth II is still the reigning queen of England at 90 years old. The current royal family consists of her offspring withà Philip. Their son Charles, Prince of Wales, married his first wife Diana, who bore their sons Prince Henry (of Wales) and William (Duke of Cambridge), who in turn married Kate (Duchess of Cambridge), who bore Prince George and Princesses Charlotte (of Cambridge). Prince Charles married Camilla (Duchess of Cornwall) in 2005. Elizabeths daughter Princess Royal Anne married Captain Mark Phillips and bore Peter Phillips and Zara Tindall, both of which married and had children (Peter fathered Savannah and Isla with wife Autumn Phillips and Zara mothered Mia Grace with husband Mike Tendall). Queen Elizabeth IIs son Andrew (Duke of York) married Sarah (Duchess of York) and sired Princesses Beatrice and Eugenia of York. The queens youngest son, Edward (Earl of Wessex) married Sophie (Countess of Wessex) who gave birth to Lady Louise Windsor and Viscount Severn James.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Discuss the Ways in which the Terms Freedom, Risk and Individuality Essay
Discuss the Ways in which the Terms Freedom, Risk and Individuality were Invoked by post-WWII American Artists and Critics - Essay Example Thus, from 1940s American artists developed something unique which illustrated the American political, economic and social forms of expression. Americans in general also became aware of an increase in crimes, which the mass media, represented by photographers, filmmakers and journalists, revealed to them. They came to know that ideas and feelings could be better expressed through art forms and abstract expressionism. Thus, the concept of abstract expressionism evolved, which marked the turning point in American art history. So far it relates to abstract expressionism in painting, it uses a means where in the artists apply paint rapidly on huge canvasses and express their feelings, emotions and gestures in a non geometric form. After the World War II, American artists have remained engrossed in the development of abstract art. Significant among such artists are Robert Motherwell, Norman Lewis and Mark Rothko who have contributed greatly to the development of the technique of abstract expressionism. It is mainly characterized by eminent factors. ... Abstract expressionists always make it a point to portray rich meanings and their works are a combination of both fluid washes as well as violent strokes of paint. ââ¬Å"Rothko's fluid washes of paint, for example, stand in contrast to De Kooning's energetic, nearly violent brushstrokes. Yet both artists believed strongly in the ability of art to evoke powerful and meaningful emotions in the viewerâ⬠(Post World War II par. 3). It appears to a viewer that the painting is a chance painting or is simply an accident painting but such type of paintings is highly planned and has rich meanings, boiling beneath the surface, which the painter has visualized and intends to communicate to the world. Mark Rothkoââ¬â¢s sienna, orange and black on dark brown and browns over dark are popular canvases. The USAââ¬â¢s experience in the World War II demonstrates the conflict which existed between the American values and the geopolitical exigencies. President Franklin D Roosevelt has delive red the famous ââ¬Ëfour freedomââ¬â¢ address where people possess certain freedom such as the freedom to speech, worship, want and the right to remain free from fear. Norman Rockwell, another eminent abstract expressionist painter, has immortalized the concept of four freedoms in a series of paintings in the Saturday Evening Post. ââ¬Å"Works representing emancipated blacks from an album of photographs taken by the war artist James Taylor reveal an indeterminate, still somewhat displaced status for those recently freed by the Union Armyâ⬠(Kromm & Bakewell 240). Photographs, especially made and dispersed by antislavery societies in order to celebrate the victorious escapes of slaves by contrast, raised the performance and unusual
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Reforms in India after 1991 have generated rapid rates of growth but Essay
Reforms in India after 1991 have generated rapid rates of growth but risk leading to increasing leves of inequality - Essay Example At the same time, the country increased its reliance on the market and restructured the role of government to achieve economic stability (Dreze & Amartya, 1995). India witnessed a change for the better in her economic performance after implementation of policy reforms in 1991. An average growth rate of 0.6 percent was experienced in the decade of 1992-93 to 2001-02, putting the country among the fastest growing, developing nations in the 1990ââ¬â¢s. Though, this growth figure was only slightly higher than the average of 5.7 percent in the 1980ââ¬â¢s, but it was more stable. Growth in the 80ââ¬â¢s was characterized by a built up of external debt which eventually resulted in the crisis of 1991. In comparison, growth in the 1990ââ¬â¢s was accompanied by notable external stability; in spite of the economic crisis is East Asia (Dreze & Amartya, 1995). The continued economic growth in India of over 7 percent per annum, despite high international oil prices and consecutive coalition governments, both at the provincial and federal level, has built confidence in the previous attitude towards the reforms. With the exception of a few issues regarding privatization of public enterprises, the reforms are generally appreciated across different political parties of the country. There are however strong apprehensions over the possible influence of the apparent reforms-driven economic growth on the prevalence of poverty (Datt & Ravallion, 1997). There have been arguments that the economic growth observed immediately after the 1991-92 reforms had not played a part in reducing poverty. According to the arguments presented by Datt and Ravallion (1997), while a sharp increase in poverty was witness as the result of the 1991 crisis, the reforms caused poverty to fall back to the pre-1991 levels, thus contradicting the assumption that the reforms brought an organized change in the countryââ¬â¢s poverty plane. This argument
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Choices Essay Example for Free
Choices Essay The lives of people have always been filled numerous dilemmas. The choices that we make sometime in our lives could either make or break an individual. As a child, I have always dreamt of making it big in the world that I live in. In order to fulfill my dreams, I decided to pursue a Masters Degree in Education from the Cambridge College. Being given such opportunity would allow me to hone my craft and share my knowledge with others. From the many experiences that I have encountered in my life, being given the chance to live my life for the second time around was the most important. Unknown to many, I am a cancer survivor. I was diagnosed with the said disease at the age of eighteen. Regardless of such trials, my determination to succeed in life was never tarnished. I wanted to prove something to myself that I had what it takes to be someone in society regardless of all the impediments that came my way. Learning is an essential part of my growth, both as an individual and as a professional. In order to be successful, I have to personify the different techniques taught in school. Furthermore, I may also incorporate my personal thoughts and experiences in trying to make things work. Such actions would not only focus on the theoretical aspects of learning, but also in the application process. Then I could definitely say that I am able fully comprehend everything that have been inculcated in me by the school and my personal experiences. Aside from acquiring a Masterââ¬â¢s Degree, I still have numerous goals in mind. I want to experience working with young minority men, especially those who were in middle school. This was in support of my desire to work within the public school system. I wanted to be of assistance to students, especially those who were of low social and economic statuses. This drive may also be attributed to the fact that studies have been conducted showing that young black male students normally lose interest in going to school when they reach the sixth grade. Thus, the percentage of children dropping out from school increases each year. Furthermore, I have made advanced researches stating that the students of Richmond County are giving the teachers difficulty in keeping them in school. Motivation amongst teachers to the students was relatively difficult, for barriers have already been by the students. The situation is alarming for both the state and the educational system that the schools offer. This then leads to the difficulty of students in trying to overcome the challenges that come their way. They are emotionally battered, and are in search of people whom they can cling to, such as guidance counselors. Although difficult, I would like to be part of the lives of these children. Equipped with the necessary knowledge and training, I may impart to these students pertinent information that may inspire them to become successful in their lives. I hope that my little words of wisdom would also serve as tools that would help them survive their lifetime. I believe that I have what it takes to be accepted in your institution. My experiences were focused on the relationship of people with each other. The counseling experiences I had were very helpful, for I witnessed how it was to deal with pregnant teenagers. This stage of their lives was a very crucial one, for several ideas and emotions are heightened. Sometimes, they would pity themselves for what happened, or worse, attempt suicide. I may be able to utilize my social counseling experiences and adopt them to some of the techniques I can use in counseling students in the educational field. This may sound easy, but it would also entail hard work and determination from my end. My dreams do not end after acquiring my degree from your institution. I would utilize my degree in working within the school system in order to facilitate an outreach program for both the students and the parents. The school districts within our area are also in the initial stage of discussing the requirements deemed by the students, as mentioned earlier. School counselors would be required by the Superintendent for each school, and this would come to my advantage for I may have my degree by that time. Furthermore, I also intend to teach college level courses. Learning is a continuous process that also helps people to improve their craft. Having a Masterââ¬â¢s Degree would not hinder me from moving forward. One of my goals is to obtain a Doctoral Degree in Counseling. The degree would be beneficial in my growth as a counselor, for my scope of knowledge would be enhanced further. In addition to this, the courses offered would allow me to learn new approaches that I may use towards students. Although my quest for knowledge is unstoppable, I believe that there are certain things that I should still care about. I am like any other applicant; the only difference seen was the fact that I am more inclined in fulfilling my goals in life. Working and being exposed to different kinds of people help me to decipher the different approaches that should be used on people. The knowledge acquired from the institution would come as an advantage, for the personalities of people have been studied and researched by people who specialize in the said field. I, too, am guilty of wanting to improve each action made, especially when it comes to counseling students. I know that being accepted in your institution requires a big deal of commitment from the students. The training would be demanding and challenging, yet ultimately rewarding. The little mistakes that are often committed would be given much importance, and improvements would definitely be visible. I aim to learn and grow, both as an individual and as a professional. I know that this institution would bring me a step closer to my dreams and aspirations. The choice I made was evident ââ¬â your institution would help me be the best individual that I can be.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Genetic Engineering a Double Helix :: Science Medical Essays
As we move on into the 21st century we can look back at all the wonderful achievements we have made in the field of medicine. While nearly all of those advancements have been good, we are sometimes left to wonder about the ethics behind it all. No one will say that helping another person with a disease is wrong; but, they might say that the technique you are using is wrong. There is a moral dilemma involved with issuing placeboââ¬â¢s to patients undergoing a study. While granted they sign up for the study and know that they might well get a placebo they do so in the hope that they get the real treatment. Sometimes it can seem cruel when the patients with the placebo get worse or die while the ones who actually got treated do better. This is a necessary part of advancing medicine. Now that we know that there is at least one medical practice that can be considered wrong, others could be as well. One up and coming method entails altering ourselves at the very genetic level, the most fundamental part of our being. It entails altering our DNA to eliminate or alleviate a plethora of disorders permanently. Is this a good thing? We have a saying, Pride goeth before a fall. This means that those who are arrogant are very likely to fail miserably. Are we going too far in attempts to change our genetic structure? Or are we not doing enough? Robert L. Sinsheimer, chancellor at UCSC describes the power possibilities of genetics as follows, ââ¬Å"In Homo Sapiens something new appeared on this small globe. The next step of evolution is ours. We must devise that once again on this sweet planet a fairer species will arise.â⬠(1) (Moraczewski, 101) Is it even our place to decide this? And who will make such evolutionary decisions? To understand how this powerful new field of medicine works you must first understand how a few related things function. In 1943 Oswald Avery proved that Deoxyribonucleic Acid not protein carried genetic information. (5) The Double Helix structure of DNA wasnââ¬â¢t discovered until 1953 by the combined efforts of James Watson, Francis Crick, Maurice Wilkins and Rosalind Franklin. (5) Eventually enough data was collected from each otherââ¬Ës work that they were finally able to deduce the correct structure. They knew that the phosphates were on the outside of the molecule, and that certain nitrogen bases always occurred in a 1:1 ratio.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Writing tutor
Congratulations on being hired by the writing center. College writing can be a very daunting task for incoming freshman. It is important that you be familiar with the various Issues that freshman are confronted with. These Issues can be emotional as well as technical. You as a tutor should prepare yourself to be able to deal with both. Translational to college level writing Is always an emotional roller coaster.The students are going to face many misconceptions explained through, ââ¬Å"So you've got a writing assignment. Now what? â⬠by Chorine E. Hint. Huntington explains the transition hat most incoming freshmen face when walking into a college level English class. Many of the first year students come into the class with many misconceptions that they have been taught to be right, many of which turn out to be completely wrong. For example, Huntington explains how the five paragraph essay isn't going to be the basis of all college level essays.He also explains how the first wri ting is always the hardest because you do not know what the professor is expecting, so you as the tutor have to make sure you break down all the misconceptions students have when first coming Into class. There Is another article I want you to look at with the student, ââ¬Å"what Is ââ¬Ëacademic writing? â⬠By L. Lend Irvine. He uses a great courtroom analogy where he explains that college writing Is based off supporting evidence Like any other good courtroom cases.The students need to be able to understand how to support their claims as a writer. As a tutor you need to be able to use these skills when tutoring. Your job is to instill writing tactics that help the freshmen become better writers by being able to analyze how and what the topic is about, by breaking the topic down into many steps the student is able to put their ideas down into easier acetic. Irvine divides writing assignments into three deferent categories of , ââ¬Å"an open writing assignment, The Semi-open Writing Assignment, and The Closed Writing Assignment. As long as the students understand the differences between these three different writing assignments they should have a clear understanding of what to look for. Many of the students are going to believe that they aren't a real writer because they are only taking one college writing class . But that is not the case , Sarah Allen describes this feeling in her article,â⬠the inspired writer vs. the real writerâ⬠she comes to an inclusion that even the best writers struggle in their own writings. She explains how sometimes writers may become writers because of their certain upbringings.In order to become real writer they don't have to follow a certain structure. Once the students realize this they are able to be a real writer. She explains the whole writing process as ,â⬠a way to figure out the little things. â⬠Once again the students do not have to go through a whole process . Writing is an emotional process the y will feel discouraged but they aren't necessarily wrong. She talks about how she imitates other writers, to become a better writer. She doesn't mean she plagiarisms but follows the structures ,â⬠formulasâ⬠,of other writers. Which the students can use In class, or even In any college level essay.She explains how In writing you have to think about an audience and following that how you display them. You as a college tutor have to off as an ââ¬Å"Inspired writerâ⬠and eventually became a real writer, with everything writing takes practice. The students need to understand how to point out the key terms of either a writing assignment or of a source they wish to use and make sure they are using them to their advantage. Teaching students to follow technical instructions rather than emotional ones helps them to engage in communication with peers,and allows for a repetitive process to instill itself.It also allows it to analyze their audience as a student enabling the stude nt to write at a more college level and helps them transition to college level writing classes,topics, and will help them in the outside word. Now that you have been familiar with the various issues that incoming freshman are confronted with, it is important to use all of the tactics presented before you in order to build growth within the students confidence as well as writing ability. We have hit n issues that can be emotional as well as technical.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Succubus Blues CHAPTER 21
I had no boyfriend. Despite all the uncertainties in my world, that at least was one thing I could feel confident about. Unfortunately, this nephilim apparently had a more optimistic view of my love life. ââ¬Å"I don't know who you're talking about,â⬠I shouted to my empty office. ââ¬Å"Do you hear me, you son of a bitch? I don't know who you're fucking talking about!â⬠No one responded. Paige, passing by a moment later, stuck her head inside. ââ¬Å"Did you call me?â⬠ââ¬Å"No,â⬠I grumbled. She wore a dress that clung distinctly to her swelling belly. It didn't help my mood any. ââ¬Å"Just talking to myself.â⬠I closed the door after she left. My immediate impulse was to run for help. Carter. Jerome. Somebody. Anybody. I couldn't deal with this alone. Fail ââ¬â or involve any of your immortal contacts ââ¬â and no amount of ââ¬Å"safekeepingâ⬠will do him any good. Damn it. I didn't even know who ââ¬Å"heâ⬠was. Frantically, I tried to figure out who among my mortal acquaintances could have been mistaken by the nephilim as something more. As if it wasn't hard enough being my friend already. Surprisingly ââ¬â or perhaps not ââ¬â my thoughts promptly strayed to Seth. I thought about our recent rapport. Censored and proper certainly, but still warm. Still right and natural. Still occasionally making me catch my breath when we touched. No, that was stupid. My fascination with him was shallow. His books made me suffer from hero worship, and our friendship had become a sort of rebound from Roman. Whatever crush or minor attraction he'd had for me had to be fading fast. He'd shown no other indications of more-than-friends feelings, and my distancing had to be having an effect. Besides, he still kept disappearing for mysterious meetings, probably for some girl he was too shy to tell me about. It was presumptuous of me to even consider him in a boyfriend category. Yetâ⬠¦ would the nephilim know any of that? Who knew what the bastard was thinking? If it had observed Seth and me having our coffee chats, it might assume anything. Fear clenched me, making me want to immediately run upstairs and check on Seth. But no. That would be a waste, for now at least. He was writing, in public, surrounded by people. The nephilim would not attack him in such a setting. Who else then? Warren perhaps? That voyeur nephilim had watched us have sex. If that didn't count as some sort of relationship, I didn't know what did. Of course, the nephilim would have also observed that Warren and I almost never interacted in any other intimate way. Poor Warren. Sex with me had already wiped him out; it would be beyond cruel if he became a target for the nephilim's bizarrely misplaced humor. Fortunately, I had already seen Warren come in today. He was busy in his office, but perhaps that still counted as safe. Alone he might be, but any screams from a nephilim attack would immediately draw attention. Doug? He and I had always had a perky flirtation. Certainly one might consider his sporadic pursuit of me indicative of something more than friendship. Yet, in the last few weeks, he and I hadn't talked very much. I'd been too distracted by the nephilim attacks. Those, and Roman. Ah, Roman. There it was, the possibility that had been hovering in the back of my mind. The reality I'd been avoiding because it meant contacting him, breaking the silence I'd tried so hard to maintain. I didn't know what was between us, other than a scorching attraction and the occasional tug of solidarity. I didn't know if it was love or the start of love or whatever. But I knew I cared about him. A lot. I missed him. Cutting myself off completely had been the safest way to recover, to get over my longing and move on. I feared what reinitiating contact could do. And yetâ⬠¦ because I cared about him, I could not let this nephilim prey upon him. I could not risk Roman's life in this because, really, he probably was the most likely candidate. Half the bookstore staff still considered us an item; why not the nephilim ? Especially in light of how touchy-feely we'd been on a number of outings. Any stalking nephilim would be well justified in reading that as romantic attachment I picked up my cell phone and called him with bated breath. No answer. ââ¬Å"Shit,â⬠I swore, listening to his voice mail. ââ¬Å"Hi Roman, it's me. I know I wasn't, uh, going to call you anymore, but something's come upâ⬠¦ and I really need to talk to you. As soon as possible. It's really weird, but it's really important too. Please call me.â⬠I left him both my cell and the bookstore numbers. I disconnected, then sat and pondered. Now what did I do? On impulse, I glanced at the staff directory and dialed Doug's home number. He had the day off. No answer, just like Roman. Where was everybody? Shifting my attention back to Roman, I tried to figure out where he would be. Work, most likely. Unfortunately, I didn't know where that was. What a negligent pseudo-girlfriend I was. He'd said he taught at a community college. He referred to it all the time, but it was always ââ¬Å"at schoolâ⬠or ââ¬Å"at the college.â⬠He'd never mentioned the name. I turned to my computer and did a search for local community colleges. When the search returned several hits for Seattle alone, I swore again. More existed outside of the city too, in the suburbs and neighboring sister cities. Any of them could be possibilities. I printed out a list of all of them, with phone numbers, and stuffed the paper in my purse. I needed to get out of here, needed to take this search to the field. I opened my office door to leave and flinched. Another identically written note hung on my door. I peered around in the offices' hallway, half hoping to see something. Nothing. I pulled the note down and opened it. You're losing time and men. You've already lost the writer. You'd best get a move-on with this scavenger hunt. ââ¬Å"Scavenger hunt indeed,â⬠I muttered, crumpling the note. ââ¬Å"You're such an asshole.â⬠Butâ⬠¦ what did he mean about losing the writer? Seth? My pulse quickened, and I raced up to the cafe, earning a few startled looks along the way. No Seth. His corner was empty. ââ¬Å"Where's Seth?â⬠I demanded of Bruce. ââ¬Å"He was just here.â⬠ââ¬Å"He was,â⬠concurred the barista. ââ¬Å"Then he suddenly packed up and left.â⬠ââ¬Å"Thanks.â⬠I definitely needed to get out of here. I found Paige in New Books. ââ¬Å"I think I need to go home,â⬠I told her. ââ¬Å"I'm getting a migraine. ââ¬Å" She looked startled. I had the best track record for attendance of any employee. I never called in sick. Yet, for that very reason, she could hardly refuse me. I was not a worker who abused the system. After she'd assured me I should go, I added, ââ¬Å"Maybe you can get Doug to come in.â⬠That would kill two birds with one stone. ââ¬Å"Maybe,â⬠she said. ââ¬Å"I'm sure we'll manage, though. Warren and I are here all day.â⬠ââ¬Å"He's here all day?â⬠When she reiterated that he would indeed be there, I felt somewhat relieved. Okay. He was off the list. As I walked home to my apartment, I called Seth's cell phone. ââ¬Å"Where are you?â⬠I asked. ââ¬Å"Home. I forgot some notes I needed.â⬠Home? Alone? ââ¬Å"Do you want to get breakfast with me?â⬠I asked suddenly, needing to get him out. ââ¬Å"It's almost one.â⬠ââ¬Å"Brunch? Lunch?â⬠ââ¬Å"Aren't you at work?â⬠ââ¬Å"I went home sick.â⬠ââ¬Å"Are you sick?â⬠ââ¬Å"No. Just meet me.â⬠I gave him an address and hung up. As I drove to the rendezvous, I tried Roman's cell again. Voice mail. I pulled out the community college phone numbers and started with the first one on the list. What a pain. First, I had to start with campus information and try to get to the right department. Most community colleges didn't even have linguistics departments, though almost all had at least one introductory class taught through some other related area ââ¬â like anthropology or humanities. I made it through three colleges by the time I reached Capitol Hill. I breathed a sigh of relief, seeing Seth waiting outside the place I'd indicated. After I parked and paid the meter, I walked up to him, trying to smile in some semblance of normality. It apparently didn't work. ââ¬Å"What's wrong?â⬠ââ¬Å"Nothing, nothing,â⬠I proclaimed cheerfully. Too cheerfully. His look implied disbelief, but he let the matter drop. ââ¬Å"Are we eating here?â⬠ââ¬Å"Yup. But first we have to go see Doug.â⬠ââ¬Å"Doug?â⬠Seth's confusion deepened. I led him to an apartment building next door and climbed to Doug's floor. Music blared from inside his apartment, which I took as a good sign. I had to beat on the door three times before anyone answered. It wasn't Doug. It was his roommate. He looked stoned. ââ¬Å"Is Doug here?â⬠He blinked at me and scratched his long, unkempt hair. ââ¬Å"Doug?â⬠he asked. ââ¬Å"Yeah, Doug Sato.â⬠ââ¬Å"Oh, Doug. Yeah.â⬠ââ¬Å"Yeah, he's here?â⬠ââ¬Å"No, man. He'sâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ The guy squinted. Lord, who got high this early in the day? I hadn't even done that back in the 1960s. ââ¬Å"He's practicing.â⬠ââ¬Å"Where? Where do they practice?â⬠The guy stared at me. ââ¬Å"Where do they practice?â⬠I repeated. ââ¬Å"Dude, did you know you have, like, the most perfect tits I've ever seen? They're likeâ⬠¦ poetry. Are they real?â⬠I clenched my teeth. ââ¬Å"Where. Does. Doug. Practice?â⬠He dragged his eyes from my chest. ââ¬Å"West Seattle. Over by Alki.â⬠ââ¬Å"Do you have an address?â⬠ââ¬Å"It's byâ⬠¦ California and Alaska.â⬠He blinked again. ââ¬Å"Whoa. California and Alaska. Get it?â⬠ââ¬Å"An address?â⬠ââ¬Å"It's green. You can't miss it.â⬠When no other information came, Seth and I left. We went to the restaurant I had indicated. ââ¬Å"Poetry,â⬠he reflected along the way, amused. ââ¬Å"Like an ee cummings poem, I'd say.â⬠I was too preoccupied to process what he was saying, my mind racing. Even waffles with strawberries couldn't keep me from worrying about this idiotic scavenger hunt. Seth attempted conversation, but my answers were vague and distracted, my mind clearly not with him through the meal. When we finished, I unsuccessfully tried Roman again, then turned to Seth. ââ¬Å"Are you going back to the bookstore?â⬠He shook his head. ââ¬Å"No. I'm going home. I realized I need too much of my research to write this scene. Easier to stay in my own office.â⬠Panic blazed through me. ââ¬Å"Home? Butâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ What could I say? Tell him that if he stayed at home, he might be in danger of attack by a sociopathic, supernatural creature? ââ¬Å"Stay with me,â⬠I blurted out. ââ¬Å"Run errands with me.â⬠His polite complacency finally broke. ââ¬Å"Georgina, what in the world is going on? You go home sick when you're not. You're clearly agitated about something, desperately so. Tell me what this is about. Is something wrong with Doug?â⬠I closed my eyes for a second, wishing this was all over. Wishing I was somewhere else. Or someone else. Seth must think I was out of my mind. ââ¬Å"I can't tell you what's wrong, only that something is. You have to leave it at that.â⬠Then, hesitantly, I reached out and squeezed his hand, turning my eyes pleadingly toward his. ââ¬Å"Please. Stay with me.â⬠He tightened his grip on my hand and took a step forward, face concerned and compassionate. For a moment, I forgot about the nephilim. What did other men matter when Seth looked at me like that? I had the urge to embrace him and feel his arms enclose me. I almost laughed. Who was I kidding? I didn't need to worry about leading him on. I was the one getting hooked here. I was the one in danger of escalating this relationship. I needed to stop procrastinating on my ââ¬Å"clean breakâ⬠with him. I hastily broke apart and lowered my eyes. ââ¬Å"Thank you.â⬠He offered to drive to West Seattle, freeing me up to keep calling colleges. I had nearly finished by the time we reached the intersection of Alaska and California. He slowed slightly, and we both peered around, searching for a green house. You can't miss it.It was a stupid piece of advice. What constituted green anyway? I saw a sage house, a forest green house, and a color that could have been green or blue. Some houses had green trim, green doors, or ââ¬â ââ¬Å"Whoa,â⬠said Seth. A small, run-down house painted a glaring shade of mintish lime stood there, nearly obscured by two much nicer houses. ââ¬Å"You can't miss it,â⬠I muttered. We parked and walked toward it. As we did, the sounds of Doug's band clearly emanated from the garage. When we reached the open door, I saw Nocturnal Admission in full glory, Doug belting out lyrics in that amazing voice of his. He cut off abruptly when he saw me. ââ¬Å"Kincaid?â⬠His fellow band members looked on quizzically as he jumped down and sprinted over to me. Seth discretely took a few steps away, studying some nearby hydrangea bushes. ââ¬Å"What are you doing here?â⬠asked Doug, not offended so much as astounded. ââ¬Å"I called in sick,â⬠I said stupidly. What did I do now? ââ¬Å"Are you sick?â⬠ââ¬Å"No. I ââ¬â I had something to do. Still do. But I'mâ⬠¦ I'm worried about leaving the store. How long will you be here? Can you fill in for me after this?â⬠ââ¬Å"You came here to ask me to cover for you? Why'd you call in sick? Are you finally running away with Mortensen?â⬠ââ¬Å"I ââ¬â no. I can't explain it. Just promise me, after this, you'll swing by the store and see if they need help.â⬠He was staring at me with a look Seth had been shooting me all afternoon. One that sort of implied I needed a tranquilizer. ââ¬Å"Kincaidâ⬠¦ you're freaking me out hereâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ I looked up at him with the same baleful expression I'd used on Seth. Succubus charisma in action. ââ¬Å"Please? You still owe me, remember?â⬠His dark eyes frowned in understandable consternation. At last he said, ââ¬Å"Okay. But it'll be a few hours before I can go.â⬠ââ¬Å"That's all right. Just go there straight afterward. No stops. And don'tâ⬠¦ don't tell them you saw me. I'm supposed to be sick. Make up some reason to go there.â⬠He shook his head in exasperation, and I thanked him with a quick hug. As Seth and I departed, I saw Doug glance at Seth questioningly. Seth shrugged, answering the other man's silent inquiry with shared confusion. I made more phone calls as we drove away, finishing my college list and leaving yet another desperate message for Roman. ââ¬Å"What now?â⬠asked Seth when I lapsed into silence. Hard to say what he thought of my harassment of both Roman and Doug. ââ¬Å"Iâ⬠¦I don't know.â⬠I had reached the end of my options. Everyone was accounted for except Roman, and I had no way to reach him. The clock was ticking. I didn't know where he lived. I thought he'd mentioned Madrona once, but that was a big area. I could hardly start knocking on all those doors. The nephilim had said I had until the end of my shift. Despite bailing on work, I assumed that still meant nine o'clock. I had almost three hours left. ââ¬Å"I guess I'll pick up my car and go back home.â⬠Seth dropped me off at the restaurant and followed me back to Queen Anne. A traffic light stopped him, so I made it to my apartment about a minute before he did. On my door was another note. Nice job. You'll probably end up alienating all of these men with your erratic behavior, but I admire your pluck. One left to go. I wonder how fast on his feet your dancer truly is. I was crumpling this note up when Seth reached me. I pulled my key out of my purse and feebly attempted to put it in my lock. My hands shook so badly, I couldn't do it. He took the key from me and opened the door. We entered, and I collapsed on to the couch. Aubrey slithered out from behind it and jumped on my lap. Seth sat nearby, taking in my apartment ââ¬â including my prominently displayed collection of his books on the new shelf ââ¬â then returned his worried gaze to me. ââ¬Å"Georginaâ⬠¦ what can I do?â⬠I shook my head, feeling helpless and defeated. ââ¬Å"Nothing. I'm just glad you're here.â⬠ââ¬Å"Iâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ He hesitated. ââ¬Å"I hate to tell you this, but I've got to leave in a little while. I'm meeting someone.â⬠I looked up sharply. Another of those mysterious meetings. Curiosity temporarily replaced my fear, but I couldn't question him. Couldn't ask if he was meeting some woman. At least he said he was meeting someone. He wouldn't be alone. ââ¬Å"You'll be withâ⬠¦ themâ⬠¦ for a while then?â⬠He nodded. ââ¬Å"I could come back late tonight, if you wanted. Orâ⬠¦ maybe I could cancel.â⬠ââ¬Å"No, no, don't worry about it.â⬠By then, it would all be over. He stayed awhile longer, again attempting conversation I couldn't participate in. When he finally stood up to leave, I could see anxiety written all over him and felt terrible I'd involved him in this. ââ¬Å"This will all be resolved tomorrow,â⬠I told him. ââ¬Å"So don't worry. I'll be back to normal then. I promise.â⬠ââ¬Å"Okay. If you need anything, let me know. Call me, no matter what. Otherwiseâ⬠¦ well, I'll see you at work.â⬠ââ¬Å"No. I have tomorrow off.â⬠ââ¬Å"Oh. Well. Do you mind if I stop by?â⬠ââ¬Å"Sure. Go ahead.â⬠I would have agreed to anything. I was too tired to hold to my earlier notion of distancing. I'd worry about that later. Honestly. One thing at a time. He left reluctantly, no doubt baffled when I told him to spend a lot of time with whoever he was meeting. As for me, I paced all over my apartment, not knowing what to do. Maybe I couldn't get ahold of Roman because the nephilim had already found him. That would hardly be fair since I'd never even had a chance to genuinely warn him, but this nephilim didn't really seem like the type to care about right or wrong. Struck by inspiration, I called Information, realizing I'd missed the obvious way to find him. It didn't matter. Unlisted. Two hours before my shift would have ended, I left Roman another message. ââ¬Å"Please, please, please call me,â⬠I begged. ââ¬Å"Even if you're really mad at me for what happened. Just tell me you're out there and okay.â⬠No return call came. Eight o'clock rolled around. With one hour remaining, I left him another message. I could feel hysteria creeping in. God, what was I going to do? All I did do was continue pacing, pondering how soon would be too soon to call Roman one more time. Five minutes before nine, utterly frantic, I grabbed my purse, desperate to leave my apartment and do something. Anything. Time was almost up. What would happen? How would I know if I'd successfully jumped through the nephilim's hoops? When I saw Roman's murder plastered across the paper tomorrow? Would there be another note? Or maybe some gruesome token? What if the nephilim hadn't even meant any of the people I'd considered? What if it was someone completely out of the realm of ââ¬â I opened my door to leave and gasped. ââ¬Å"Roman!â⬠He stood there, mid-knock, as surprised to see me as I was him. I dropped my purse and ran to him, flinging myself at him in a fierce embrace that nearly toppled him. ââ¬Å"Oh God,â⬠I breathed into his shoulder, ââ¬Å"I'm so glad to see you.â⬠ââ¬Å"I guess,â⬠he replied, pulling slightly away to look down at me, his turquoise eyes concerned. ââ¬Å"Lord, Georgina, what's wrong? I've got like eighty messages from you ââ¬â ââ¬Å" ââ¬Å"I know, I know,â⬠I told him, still not letting go. Seeing him stirred up all the old, queasy feelings I had thought were buried. He looked so good. He smelled so good. ââ¬Å"I'm sorry ââ¬â it's just, I thought something had happened to youâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ I hugged him again, catching sight of my watch as I did so. Nine o'clock. My shift was over, as was the nephilim's ridiculous game. ââ¬Å"Okay, it's all right.â⬠He patted me awkwardly on the back. ââ¬Å"What's going on?â⬠ââ¬Å"I can't tell you.â⬠My voice shook. His mouth opened to protest, but he reconsidered. ââ¬Å"Okay. Let's take this slow. You're pale. Let's go get something to eat. You can explain all this then.â⬠Yeah, that would be a fun conversation. ââ¬Å"No. We can't do thatâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ââ¬Å"Come on. There's no way you can leave me all those desperate messages and then start playing the ââ¬Ëwe need space' game. Seriously, Georgina. You're a wreck. You're shaking. I wouldn't want you to be by yourself anyway if I'd found you like this, let alone after those calls.â⬠ââ¬Å"No. No. No going out.â⬠I sat down on the couch, needing to let him go, reluctant to do so. ââ¬Å"Let's stay here.â⬠Still looking distressed, Roman fetched me a glass of water, then sat down by me, holding my hand. As time passed, I calmed down, listening as Roman talked about inconsequential things in an effort to make me feel better. For his part, he was quite nice about my psycho phone calls. He continued trying to tease out an explanation, but when I remained evasive, only saying I had cause to worry about him, he stopped pushing ââ¬â for now. He continued cheering me up, telling me funny things as well as his usual political soliloquies, complaining about the irrational rules and hypocrisy of the powers that be. By late in the evening, I was relaxed again, left only with embarrassment for the way I'd behaved. Damn, I hated that nephilim. ââ¬Å"It's getting late. You going to be okay if I go?â⬠he asked, standing with me near my living room window, overlooking Queen Anne Avenue. ââ¬Å"Probably better than if you stay.â⬠ââ¬Å"Well, that's a matter of opinion,â⬠he chuckled, running a hand over my hair. ââ¬Å"Thanks for coming by. I knowâ⬠¦ I knowâ⬠¦ it seems crazy, but you've just got to trust me on this one.â⬠He shrugged. ââ¬Å"I don't really have a choice. Besidesâ⬠¦ it's kind of nice to know you were worried about me.â⬠ââ¬Å"Of course I was. How could I not be?â⬠ââ¬Å"I don't know. You aren't easy to read. I couldn't figure out if you really liked meâ⬠¦ or if I was just something to pass the time. A diversion.â⬠Something in his words rang a bell in my head, something I should have paid attention to. Instead I was more caught up in how close he suddenly stood to me, how his hand ran down my cheek to my neck and to my shoulder. He had long, sensuous fingers. Fingers that could do a lot of good in a lot of good places. ââ¬Å"I do like you, Roman. If you don't believe anything else I tell you, believe that.â⬠He smiled then, a smile so full and beautiful, it made my heart melt. God, I had missed that smile and his funny, breezy charm. Moving his hand back up to my neck, he pulled me toward him, and I realized he was going to kiss me again. ââ¬Å"Noâ⬠¦ noâ⬠¦ don't,â⬠I murmured, squirming out of his grasp. He backed off from the kiss, still holding on to me as he exhaled, disappointment all over his face. ââ¬Å"Still worried about that?â⬠ââ¬Å"You can't understand. I'm sorry. I just can'tâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ ââ¬Å"Georgina, nothing traumatic happened the last time we kissed. Short of your reaction, I mean.â⬠ââ¬Å"I know, but it's not that simple.â⬠ââ¬Å"Nothing happened,â⬠he repeated, an unfamiliar hardness in his voice. ââ¬Å"I know, but ââ¬â ââ¬Å" My mouth hung there mid-sentence as I replayed his words. Nothing happened. No, something had happened that night at the concert, kissing in the back hallway. I'd seen Roman stagger from the kiss. But meâ⬠¦ what had happened to me? What had I felt? Nothing. A kiss that intense, a kiss with someone strong, a kiss with someone I wanted so badly should have triggered something. Even with a low energy yield like Warren, a deep kiss would wake up my succubus instinct, start to connect us, even if no significant transfer took place. Kissing Roman like that ââ¬â especially when he ostensibly had a reaction ââ¬â should have resulted in some kind of feeling on my end. Some sensation. Yet, there had been nothing. Nothing at all. I had written it off to too much alcohol at the time. But that was ridiculous. I drank all the time before getting a fix. Alcohol could muddle my senses ââ¬â as it obviously had that night ââ¬â but no amount of intoxication could completely negate the sensation of anima transfer. Nothing could. I had been too trashed to realize the truth. Alcohol or no, I would always feel something from sexual or intimate physical contact unlessâ⬠¦ Unless I was with another immortal. I jerked away from Roman, breaking his hold on me. His expression registered surprise, immediately replaced by sudden understanding. Those beautiful eyes sparkling dangerously, he laughed. ââ¬Å"Took you long enough.ââ¬
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