Saturday, August 31, 2019
Essential of Motoric Development in Life Skill Exercise
The Essentials of Motor Development in Practical Life By: Intan Rahmanita If teaching is to be effective with young children, it must assist them to advance on the way to independence. It must initiate them into those kinds of activities, which they can perform themselves. We must help them to learn how to walk without assistance, to run, to go up and down the stairs, to pick up fallen objects, to dress and undress, to wash themselves, to express their needs, and to attempt to satisfy their desires through their own efforts. All this is part of an education for independence. ââ¬â Maria Montessori, The Discovery of the Child, Chapter 3 page 57. From the beginning, a child will strive for independence, and the best way to help him achieve it is to show him the skill he needs to succeed. Unfortunately, parents try to help much and in wrong way. Many, for instance rather to wait patiently every day while their youngster struggles to eat breakfast, do up his button, tie his shoe lace and then end up doing these for him. Montessori built up a curriculum that called Practical Life. These are simple everyday routinely perform by adults to control and maintain the environment which they live and work.The activities are utilitarian, and so for the adult, they have purpose and means to an end-and the end result is more important than the process. Practical life activities enable the adult to control his physical and social environment. From early age, every child watches his parents perform these every day and so he has a strong desire to copy and learn from them- it is his way of adapting the world. Unlike the adult, however, the performance of these simple daily routine is developmental and absorbing for the child; he is more interested in the process involved than in the end result.As a writer, Iââ¬â¢m very interested to bring up this topic due in my childhood this area for most parents not so important to be stimulated rather language and math. I still remember my first years live far apart from my parents. Where I must entered dormitory in Senior High School. I even donââ¬â¢t know how to sweep floor properly, folded the clothed until washed my own dress. Every tasks need lots of time and must repeated twice or more to get clean. Thus, it made me frustrated and really influences my focus on school. Something get wrong here? Why my I cannot do these simple things.Why fine motor, my eye-hand, my feet not well coordinate even to sweep the room. Then the answer pop in to my head, because I never do it . And It is like if Iââ¬â¢m studying math, where when practicing make perfect. Now as a mother, I want for my daughter to have an easier life in the future whatever profession she would focus on, just like Maria Montessori said to give the child ââ¬Å"a help to lifeâ⬠. Montessori stated that at each plane of development there is a sensitive period for different skills and activities. It is critical that proper stimulation be provided as nature intended.A child enters the Children's House (Montessori preschool) around the age of three. It is here where the Work of the Family, known as Practical Life activities, provides an introduction and smooth transition to the Montessori school by linking the activities that the child is familiar with at home to the school environment. Children at this age enjoy, and even prefer, spending their time helping adults with their activities. When allowed to do so, the child learns that his contributions are of value, thus boosting his self-esteem and independence. He enjoys and should be encouraged to use child-size replicas of adult tools.In short, the direct aim of Montessori Practical Life activities is to help develop social skills and independence. Indirectly, Practical Life activities develop fine motor skills, as well as strengthening intellect, concentration, and personal will. Four categories of practical life: a. Care of Environment Such as pouring, transferring, cleani ng, and polishing. Pouring activities are common in Montessori school. Children will learn to pour beans from jug to jug complex tasks pouring exercise. These simple exercise prepared the child indirectly for mathematical complex such as volume and capacity. . Development of Motor Skill Such as opening and closing bottles, boxes, latches, padlocks, cutting with scissors, screwing and unscrewing of nut and bolts, sewing, pasting, weaving, plaiting and many more in Montessori classroom are design to help the children to improve his/her fine motor skill, eye-hand coordination and concentration. c. Care of Self Such as activities related to personal hygiene such as washing or drying hand, brushing, combing, or plaiting hair, cleaning and cutting of nails, blowingââ¬â¢s one nose, dressing and undressing.In order to help children get their independence. Therefore it needs to design purposeful work, establish will and discipline. d. Social grace and courtesy Such as how to shake hands, saying please and thank you, how to interrupt someone, and how to cough and sneeze. Importance of Motor Development Motor skill definition Motor skills are the movements that use to lift, push or carry. Minds have to tell the body to connect the spatial needs of the surroundings to the muscles and bones to complete the tasks. Mastering motor skills means practicing, teaching and imitating.It need fine motor and gross motor skills working together to create your movement. The difference between the two skills depends on your task a. Fine Motor Capability Fine motor skills entail using small muscles of the body. Writing, coordinating hand-eye movements, creating works of art, moving the eyes or lips are examples of fine motor coordination. Picking up a tiny leaf between the fingers is using the fine motor skills. Fine motor skills are using the small muscles of the body. Visual motor skills, such as putting together puzzles or using construction toys, are fine motor activities.The han d-eye coordination, another fine motor skill, is necessary to complete any tasks using a pencil, including the ability to draw. b. Gross Motor Skills In childhood, gross motor is the first set of skills the child masters. Sitting, using his arms, legs or feet, walking and running are examples of gross motor skills. Rolling down a hill is using gross motor skills. Pushing a wagon is a gross motor skill. Using the large muscles is how gross motor skills operate. Skills that use the entire body or many parts at one time are gross motor skills. Muscle tone is an important aspect of gross motor skills.If the body reacts too tightly, you will experience jerky or disconnected gross motor movements. If the body reacts loosely, you need more strength and the movements appear slow. The difference between gross motor skills and fine motor skills is the capability of muscle function. It need both functions to complete tasks. Reaching over to the sink to grasp a glass of water, you are using you r gross motor muscles to reach. When a child actually grasp the glass, it allows the large muscles to tell the small muscles to grasp the glass. If a child is having spatial difficulties, he will not be able to grasp the glass.If a child is having gross motor problems, it will not be able to reach out the arm. Muscle strength, flexibility and coordination determine how child can accomplish motor skills. If there is a developmental problem, that will affect how well he can complete skills. Flat feet can be the culprit for awkward walking. Skills like riding a bike, if he is having balance problems, will not work. How Motor Development encourage in Montessori Classroom. ââ¬Å"All movement thus has a most intricate and delicate machinery. But in a man none of it is established at birth.It has to be formed and perfected by the childââ¬â¢s activity in the world. It has to be formed and perfected by the childââ¬â¢s activity in the world. Unlike the animal, man finds him self so ric hly endowed with muscles that there are hardly any movements he cannot learn to make, and while he is doing this we do not talk about strengthening his muscles, but coordinating them, which is a very different thing. The point is that, in manââ¬â¢s case, he finds all his muscles uncoordinated, and the nervous arrangement for all movement he learns have to built up and perfected by action initiated by his mind.In the other words, child has an internal power to bring about co-ordinations, which he thus created himself, and once these has begun to exist he goes on perfecting them by practice. He himself is clearly the one of the principle creative factors in their productionâ⬠The educational value of a movement depends of finality (or end) of the movement; and it must be a such help the child to perfect something in himself; either it perfect voluntary muscular system (the flesh); or some mental capacity; or both.Educational movement must always be activity which builds up and fortifies the personality, giving him a new power and not leaving him where he wasâ⬠¦(Maria Montessori: Her Life and Work, E. M. Standing, Chapter 13 page 233) Practical life is the first activities the child introduced to in Montessori environment, also the first Maria Montessori teach when she was on Casa the Bambini. These practices are: a. Opening and closing boxes b. Opening and closing lids jar and biscuit tins c. Opening and closing various type of doors and cupboards d. Pouring beans between two jugs, pouring water, and pouring water trough funnel. e.Folding and unfolding clothes f. Lifting, carrying, and putting down delicate object g. Lifting, carrying, and putting down a tray with object on it h. Carrying a floor mat i. Unrolling and rolling up a floor mat j. Sitting on the edge of an unrolled mat k. Lifting, carrying, and putting down a chair l. With chair on the table, lifting it away from table, sitting on it and, getting up from it and placing it back under the t able. m. Using scissor and handling scissor to someone n. Handling a book o. Handling and playing a record Present Research: Correlation of fine motor development with practical life area stimulation.There a research by Rule and Steward (2002) that wants to find correlation between practical skill activities based on Montessori program with motor skill development especially fine motorââ¬â¢s children in public kindergarten schools. The experiment conducted in order to find the best way to therapy clumsy children. Based on literacy and former researcher, Rule and Steward found that children who have difficulties coordinating the small muscle group in their hands (fine motor) have difficulty dressing, feeding themselves, and manipulating pencil.This difficulty makes children dependent on others, opens them to peer ridicule, and prevents them from the meeting the demands of school. In further studies, it found difficulties in handwriting, in art design and technology, in home econom ics and in practical science lesson. These children also exhibited more behavior problems and lower achievement with some exhibiting ââ¬Å"intense of personal feeling of failureâ⬠and a worrying amount of dissatisfaction. Second, there is a moderate correlation between fine motor bility and early literary performance. Third, there is interdigital dexterity to be a strong predictor of reading achievement. Rule and Steward do an experiment in order to measure practical life material on public school kindergartenââ¬â¢s fine motor skill development over a 6-month period. The dependent measure was a penny post test. In the penny posting test, the number of pennies are counted that a seated child can pick up open at a time with dominant hand and place into one sloth in can within 30 seconds.Each student was presented with 50 pennies spread on a towel and was given a practice of depositing two pennies into the sloth, then two 30 second trials. This same procedure was followed for pretest and post test. The teachers were asked to show students how to manipulate the material and complete the activities. Each box had a step by step instructions and material list. The first author demonstrated proper operation of boxes to the teachers; Teacher received six new box of material every 2 weeks throughout the study period. Student used the fine motor skill as an option during center time almost every day.More than 50 different sets of activities were provided to experimental group (n=101). Teacher coached students in following specific steps to use tweeters, tongs, and spoons to manipulate a variety of object. Students then employed the materials during the center time in their classrooms. What happen there and what the child doing After the post test, experimental group of children were asked to comment about the materials. Most children spoke enthusiastically of the activities, commenting that the activities sparked their imaginations and challenged their motor ski lls.Teacher mentioned how students enjoyed the activities because of attractive items and themes. Activities that teacher as most valuable were those incorporated cognitive skill such like finding likeness and differences, matching, and sorting or science content like learning about animals. Although experimental and control group teacher reported equal amounts of fine motor activity in the classrooms, significant interaction effects were found indicating the experimental group outperformed the control on the post test measure. An overall effect size of 0. 4 indicates that the type of fine motor activity is important in children development. Conclusion: 1. Montessori Practical Life activities help develop social skills, independence, fine motor skills, as well as strengthening intellect, concentration, and personal will. 2. Children who have difficulties coordinating the small muscle group in their hands (fine motor) have difficulty dressing, feeding themselves, and manipulating pen cil 3. Research by Rule and Steward found that practical life activities increase kindergartenââ¬â¢s fine motor skill development. . .
Friday, August 30, 2019
Is Super Size Me Convincing? Essay
The doctors were certain that if he did not end the experiment immediately, he would have caused irreparable damage to his body. Using the rhetorical triangle, we can illustrate how the documentary utilizes the three points of logos, ethos, and pathos in order to establish a well founded, credible, and effective argument. Without the use of the rhetorical triangle, trying to create a well founded, credible account of anything would be difficult. One could argue that if an argument lacks any part of the rhetorical triangle, the argument is incomplete, and has no credibility or effectiveness. The rhetorical triangle provides the structure; the frame of a well thought out and well presented meaningful argument. And by doing so ââ¬â using the rhetorical triangle, on can create a nearly foolproof reasoning and support for something they believe or support. This is what Spurlock has done here. The message; the appeal to ethos ââ¬â the argument, the reason, data, evidence, and structure. The documentary uses simple, straightforward scientific methods to gather, collect, and analyze the data obtained from the study. Spurlock does this in order to get the message to people that eating nothing but fast food all of the time is terribly detrimental to your body. Your health suffers, and can even affect you mentally. Throughout the movie, he provides a simple structure of the task at hand, to eat nothing but McDonaldââ¬â¢s all day, every day, for every meal. He does this to show that in no way is eating fast food good for you and that it should absolutely be limited if not totally eliminated from your diet. Fast foods have caused ââ¬â or at least helped to cause many Americanââ¬â¢s problems with obesity and iseases such as diabetes. There have been many studies to support these claims and none are unfounded assumptions. The next unit of the rhetorical triangle that the documentary has covered is that of pathos ââ¬â the audience and the appeals to their emotions, beliefs, values, knowledge and experience. Every American and many of the other peoples of the world have heard of McDonaldâ⠬â¢s. They all know of food, and most have had experience with it as well. They know that it tastes good, and is fast and easy. They believe that it is perfectly harmless as well, most of them, anyhow. What they donââ¬â¢t know is that it is absolutely terrible for you and causes much more harm than good. What the movie tries to do is show how the effects of eating so much fast food can harm you. The results can be absolutely horrible, and if left uncorrected could lead to permanent damage. The movie tries to use the shock and scare factor of your emotions to get their message across that this stuff is no good. Any intelligent, rational person will take a step back and think twice about what they eat and especially whether or not to eat fast food, even a little. The effect for some people may be nothing, but others, like me will initially completely avoid fast food because of the shock that the movie gave us. Later on, however, after the shock has passed it is no big deal to go back for a burger ââ¬â which can be dangerous. The biggest appeal to fast food it just that ââ¬â it is fast. It is fast, easy, convenient and tasty. Quite appealing. The use of pathos on children is especially prevalent in McDonalds. They target children everywhere, on television, in schools, on signs, and on billboards. Children today cannot avoid them. They use these advertisements almost subliminally, so that the children will crave and seek out their food. Once they get there, they are overwhelmed with flashy, fun advertising gimmicks. They have happy meals with toys to entice them with, and a playground too. Why wouldnââ¬â¢t a child want to go to a place like that? Food, toys, and a playground all in one, it is wonderful. I remember I used to always enjoy going there as a kid. I cannot stand McDonalds now, however, for many it has and will become a life-long bond of company and consumer. This is exactly what McDonalds wants and is what they thrive on, f course ââ¬â they are a business. The last appeal to be covered is that of ethos ââ¬â credibility, authority, appearance and eloquence. Here, as in other aspects there are two sides to the ethos in this documentary. On one side is Spurlock and his doctors and professionals, and on the other side, McDonalds. First off, McDonalds wants you to think that their food is noth ing but tasty and filling ââ¬â which it can be. They do not want you to know the harmful and unhealthy aspects of eating there. After all, they want you to come back and spend more money! What Spurlock wants to do with his documentary is get the message out that what we are doing to ourselves by eating this food is hurting us. He wants to expose that what the fast food business is doing is wrong. He does a good job of doing this, as he is very clear about what he is doing, and how he does it. He uses credible people such as doctors, scientists, and specialists to support his claims and make sure what he tells us is accurate. He does a great job of creating a convincing argument ââ¬â one that is difficult to pick apart and find fault within. He has done a great job of providing clear, concise, convincing data. The movie Super Size Me is a great documentary and does a wonderful job of ââ¬â well, documenting the research that Spurlock has done. He put himself through thirty days of hell of eating nothing but McDonaldââ¬â¢s food in order to show what would happen if that is all you ate ââ¬â nothing but McDonaldââ¬â¢s food for an entire month. The result was shocking and horrifying at the same time. Spurlock gained over twenty pounds of body fat ââ¬â while probably losing quite a lot of muscle mass and gained nearly twenty percent body fat. After thirty days that is amazing. His health deteriorated to the point that he nearly caused permanent damage to some of his vital organs such as his liver. The results were simply shocking, and they were foolproof as well, everything was done in a way that no one can argue with them and say that well, this was not caused by eating only McDonaldââ¬â¢s. It was all directly caused by the food. This a very well structured and convincing study and they have done a great job through the documentary of portraying the information to the public.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Higher education in Canada Essay
Education, if looked at beyond its conventional boundaries, forms the very essence of all our actions. What we do is what we know and have learned, either through instructions or through observation and assimilation. When we are not making an effort to learn, our mind is always processing new information or trying to analyze the similarities as well as the tiny nuances within the context which makes the topic stand out or seem different. If that is the case then the mind definitely holds the potential to learn more, however, it is us who stop ourselves from expanding the horizons of our knowledge with self-doubt or other social, emotional, or economic constraints. While most feel that education is a necessity, they tend to use it as a tool for reaching a specific target or personal mark, after which there is no further need to seek greater education. Nonetheless, the importance of education in society is indispensable and cohering, which is why society and knowledge cannot be ever separated into two distinct entities. Let us find out more about the role of education in society and how it affects our lives. Receiving a good education helps empower you, thus making you strong enough to look after yourself in any given situation. It keeps you aware of your given surrounding as well as the rules and regulations of the society youââ¬â¢re living in. Itââ¬â¢s only through knowledge that you can be able to question authority for its negligence or discrepancies. It is only then that you can avail your rights as a citizen and seek improvement in the structural functioning of governance and economy. Itââ¬â¢s only when a citizen is aware about the policies of its government can he be able to support or protest the change. As a whole, people can bring about development only when they know where improvement is necessary for the greater good of mankind. Education helps you understand yourself better, it helps you realize your potential and qualities as a human being. It helps you to tap into latent talent, so that you may be able to sharpen your skills. Another importance of education is that it helps you gain sufficient academic qualification so that you are able to get suitable employment at a later stage. A decent employment would be combined with hard-earned remuneration or salary through which you can look after your personal expenses. While you earn for yourself, you gradually begin to realize the true worth of money and how hard it is to earn it. You realize the significance of saving for a rainy day and for unforeseeable contingencies. There also comes a phase when the amount you are earning presently will seem inadequate because your aspirations and expectations from yourself would have grown considerably. After this, you will want to change jobs so as to have a higher profile. However, here is when you need to be prepared. A promotion of this figure can occur in two given situations, which are, that either you have the necessary higher academic qualification or a college degree which allows you a safe passage, or that you have amassed enough practical experience which allows you to be a suitable candidate for the employment you seek. This is why college education is very important after high school and must not be taken for granted. When faced with the option of choosing between a highly qualified candidate and a not so educated candidate, the employers will most probably go in for the qualified person. The reason being that, a qualified candidate will not require much investment of the employerââ¬â¢s time and money. The organization need not teach him or her the tricks of the trade, or the various ways of functioning and performing the tasks of the workplace. On the contrary, a novice / amateur applicant would need to be taught everything from scratch, which many employerââ¬â¢s are usually not willing to do. The same applies for people who seek higher education and get advanced diplomas while working. These people are continuously improving their profile and their knowledge base so as to go higher up on the competitive ladder. Those who have amassed enough education, steer the path of development and progress for their country. It is these individuals who go ahead and become teachers, scientists, inventors, welfare activists, soldiers, and politicians who work together to form the very backbone of the society. Without this pool of intellect, the economic and social framework would crumple and fall, paving its way for anarchy, degradation, and violence. While this intricate balance of growth is maintained, there will be a continuous rise in progress in all quarters of life, whether that be personal growth, or development of the nation as an entity. This progress has a very important role to play for the coming generations, which will reap the benefits of our hard work, as they develop it further. At the same time, the negative impact of our actions shall have its collateral damage on the coming generation as well. Which is why we must be exceptionally prudent about the decisions we make and the actions we take in the present. This is when you will decide to become a self-employed individual, who would like to watch his / her own ideas take realistic form. You would prefer being the one offering job opportunities to others and aid in providing income to them. At this stage of entrepreneurship, you may use your own expertise as well as that of other trained and skilled associates. As a team, you will find your business or venture expanding and yielding good results. You may even gain the confidence and insight, which will help you diversify and spread your expertise into other business arenas, which were previously unknown to you, or you were unsure about. This ability, comes with experience and knowledge amassed over the years. Education and studying regularly, gives people of all age groups something substantial and challenging to do. It helps them think and use their idle hours, doing something productive and worthwhile. Education need not be purely academic and may include reading for leisure or as a passion for literature, philosophy, art, politics, economics, or even scientific research. There is no limit, to all that you can teach yourself, only if you take the interest to learn and grow as an individual. However, those who treat knowledge as trash, eventually find themselves getting absorbed with thoughts of violence, and jealously against those who are better off than themselves. It is people such as these who turn towards drug addiction, unnecessary rebellion, crime, and plain inactivity. Such people lack the self-esteem, that a good education often provides to its followers. Education is an important factor inside mankindââ¬â¢s existence. Youngsterââ¬â¢s who want to always be Educate will offer a greater impending for the kids or maybe their own around close relatives in addition to nations. Using improved Education, numerous other areas are generally favorably damaged. In other words, education gets the power to produce the earth a greater location. Knowledge implies you could receive a greater handing over method, that can implies you could be more in financial terms guaranteed. Advises people how to deal with liability, Will give you giving her a very means to contemplate without help as well as back-up your battles. Shows someone to extra on the acquaintances allowing you to find as well as data wide variety and different factors relating to perspective. Assists you to recognize your prospective, that can implies you could permit you to eventually carry out higher than everyone believed you could potentially carry out before. Education starts with preschool and end up receiving excellent stage may be operations, medical professional, electrical engineer, builder, attorney at law and many other. Within reasonably competitive life group of friends also to preserve common leaving itââ¬â¢s required to get these levels. Due to the fact this will make a decision the future and can assists to offer the Vision & imagine anyone. Education and learning will be a sort of common competition established by culture, itââ¬â¢s obligatory for all to be able to get involved as well as gain the particular competition. Due to the fact With out having formal study as well as levels humans usually are not whole throughout todayââ¬â¢s world. Education the only real instrument which will keep updating those on a regular basis and yes it aids to visit to your next label within lifestyle. Knowledge enables folks work better and can build opportunities with regard to maintainable as well as practical monetary progress now as well as time. Understanding inspires presence, excellent federal, equilibrium as well as enables challenge towards graft as well as offender motion. Education is essential for everyone. It is the level of education that helps people earn respect and recognition. In my opinion, it is indispensable part of life both personally and socially. However, the unequal standard of education is still a major problem that needs to be solved. The importance of education is undeniable for every single person. It goes without saying that education has a positve effect on human life. All people need to study. Only with the advent of education can people gain knowledge and enlarge their view over the world. For example, learning by watching TV or reading books gives people a huge amount of information about anything they are interested in such as mathematics, current news, exchange rates, other countriesââ¬â¢ cultures and so on. Apparently, people may become more useful and civilzed if better educated. In areas where residents are not able to receive an appropriate education, life cannot be as thriving and properous as locations where there is a high standard for education. Conclusion Education is absolutely beneficial for society on the whole. It is a life-long process to each person that need to be reinforced throughout life.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
The Hungry Ocean Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Hungry Ocean - Essay Example By her own admission gender has never been a problematic issue in her, illustrious and legendary career on the high seas. The challenge and the accomplishments: An interesting part of the conversation is highlighted at the concluding pages of the book and Linda Greenlaw writes, ââ¬Å"What more do you want? You make a good living doing what you love. Thatââ¬â¢s more than most people have.â⬠(256) The story of her becoming the commander of the one-hundred-foot-long sword fishing boat, named Hannah Boden is amazing. She has a wonderful childhood and her enlightened parents are pleased to give her the liberty to choose the career of her choice. Little do they realize that she will opt for the career of a fisherman. She goes to become the legend. The life of a fisherman is tougher and the mood of the ocean is unpredictable. This is not the profession where one is engaged in the table work from 10 a.m. to 5p.m.The duration of a sword fishing trip to the Grand Banks of Newfoundland will last for a month or more. According to her, the actual job of fishing is a thrill but ââ¬Å"the greatest challenges any captain faces are often keeping the crew focused, making sure the vessel remains mechanically sound, and returning safely to port." (p. xi) She becomes an author due to fortuitous circumstances and she writes, ââ¬Å"I wonder daily of the opportunity to write this book has been a blessing or a curse. Writing has proven to be hard work, often painful. I can honestly say that I would rather be fishing.â⬠(Preface) Destiny wills it thus and events in her childhood do much to support her decision to go to sea. Her family lives on an island on the cost of Maine and it is but natural that she sees high prospectus for her life and career amidst the waves on the high seas. Fish and fishermen, the life of swordboat crew: As the captain, a fisherman has got to be an excellent public relations man with enough technical and administrative knowledge. Proper understand ing of navigation, weather equipment and plotting the course and distance by hand is part of her routine work as caption of the ship. Linda Greenlaw has an excellent study of the human beings and maintains good rapport with members of the crew. About Bob, a dynamic fisherman and the owner of the ship she writes, ââ¬Å"He was an amazingly clever person; his competence covered a wide rangeâ⬠¦.As for determinationââ¬âhe would take a boat to Mars if he thought there might be a fish to be caught there.â⬠(3) Fishermen need to remain ever ready and mentally prepared for disasters, survival and accomplishments. This book contains the details of one such trip on the swordship boat and reveals how the lifestyles of a fisherman are entirely differed on the ocean beds as compared to plain space on this Planet Earth. She has a crew of six members Ringo, Kenny, Charlie, Peter, and Carl each with his own ideas and adventurous in oneââ¬â¢s own right. The life in the ship is full of appointments and disappointments. As the head leading the crew Linda Greenlaw lists the advantages and disadvantages. The main attraction is the fat paycheck and respect of admiration of
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder - Research Paper Example Depending on the severity of the problem, professionals choose an appropriate means of treatment of OCD among cognitive-behavioural therapy, pharmacotherapy, and neurosurgery; the latter is regarded as less effective. Overall, obsessive compulsive disorder is often underdiagnosed and undertreated, which means it requires more attention on the part of specialists as well as patientsââ¬â¢ families. Obsessive compulsive disorder (abbreviated and usually used as OCD) is an anxiety disorder which is characterized by ââ¬Å"recurrent obsessions and / or compulsions that interfere substantially with daily functioningâ⬠(Foa & Franklin, 2001). In this context, obsessions are defined as recurrent and unwanted thoughts, images or impulses which cause great anxiety. Individuals with OCD try to suppress and ignore these thoughts with other actions and / or thoughts, and they recognize the fact that the ideas and thoughts are only products of their mind (Abramowitz, Taylor & McKey, 2009). Among the most wide-spread obsessions are fear to causing harm to other people, fear of contamination, fear of behaving in an inappropriate way, fear of harm coming to self, fear of making a mistake, religious, sexual obsessions etc. (Heyman, Mataix-Cols & Fineberg, 2006). Compulsions are defined as repetitive mental acts or behaviours a person, who suffers from OCD, performs in response to obsessi on with the aim to prevent some daunting event or to reduce distress (Abramowitz, Taylor & McKey, 2009). The most common compulsions as the following ones: cleaning, hoarding, checking, handwashing, ordering and arranging, asking for reassurance (behaviours); ruminations, repeating words silently, counting (mental acts) (Heyman, Mataix-Cols & Fineberg, 2006). In accordance with Yaryura-Tobias and Neziroglu (1997), there are two groups of symptoms of obsessive compulsive disorder,
Monday, August 26, 2019
Community Development and Policy In Ireland Essay
Community Development and Policy In Ireland - Essay Example Currently, as from 1990 the community development process has shifted; it is now emphasizing poverty reduction, closer relationships within the state and a central social life. This period also has seen the community development sector being formalized and turned to being run professional.2 Community development in Ireland has brought a lot of positive impacts in the community there are numerous indictors and quantitative evidence to support this. Development has enabled development of infrastructures and also has enhanced considerable amounts of community activities and projects. There are various concepts defining community development, others reflect community development as political. Community development is a process by which those marginalized are given an opportunity to have confidence and join others by participating in their problem solving. This is according to Combat Poverty group. Another scholar Lee argues that, this concept is based on perceptive of citizenship3. To him, community development is a way by which the community can attain they rights. These concepts in general refer to community participation. Another important concept is the Budapest declaration of 2004, which sees community development as means of empowering civil societies by giving priority to the community actions. This involves social and also economic aspects. The concept sees the community as more than being just located in an area. Though the concepts vary community development represents a structure in which the communities may express their view on the local level. To Ed gar another scholar says, that community development is a result of collective mobilization as a response to growing feelings of disconnections by the societies Community development history in Ireland Community development is Ireland can be traced back to 1930s as cooperative development movement that was based of theory of self help. Between 60s and 90s the community development in Ireland gained significant growth's during this period community development put emphasizes on unemployment and self help and direct action. These initiatives were taken because of the perceived failure by the traditional approaches in talking poverty. Lee observes that, the movement of women formed in the 70 was an important aspect in advancing direct action.4 During this period associations concerned with poverty were formed. The authorities also got involved in tackling poverty by promoting organizations involved in community development. This lead to formation of a poverty reduction project through the European Union termed as "EU Poverty 2 programme," that lead to establishing of community development fund. The impact of varying community bodies such as sports and arts have increased the community responsiveness to community issues for example, racism, drugs, bulling and alcoholism, in an entertaining way, that is accessible to many people. As it has been observed in Ireland, the most active group that participate in these community activities are the youths, and the sports and arts programme has integrated them. Policy framework for community development The purpose of developing a frame work is to have a base or a foundation of working with a community. The frame work is not limited on local issues, but also
Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 23
Marketing - Essay Example An integrated approach is more vigorous and likely to reach a large number of potential customers. Having realised that there was a possibility of expanding into new services, UPSââ¬â¢s promotional strategy was to integrate all the services into a synchronised entity where they will fall under one umbrella name. All the services would be offered at the same time together and the customers were supposed to get this information correctly. ââ¬Å"Synchronised commerceâ⬠entails that different activities can be performed during the same period by the same company which is UPSââ¬â¢s objective of enlightening is customers that it is growing bigger and offering more services whilst still under one umbrella name at the same time. 2. UPS can use either electronic or print media to reach all its five segments. Advertising is very effective in reaching the targeted audience where specially designed adverts are posted on selected media at given time frames which are popular with the targeted audiences. Public appearances in popular business press such as the Wall Street Journal are other means that can be used to reach the targeted audiences. Promotional elements such as price discounts can be effectively used to attract more customers as they will also benefit at the end of the day for using the service. The promotional services can also include the use of coupons where draws can be conducted to identify winners in promotional events meant to market the services offered by the organisation to all its customers as well as potential clients. 3. The colour brown is a primary presentation of UPS and it represents a creative platform which brings together all pieces of the campaign. UPS is basically identified with the brown colour which is found on all its fleet of vehicles, planes, uniforms as well as packaging. Brown colour forms part of the
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Legal and Ethical Issues of Mason and Shepherd Case Study - 15
Legal and Ethical Issues of Mason and Shepherd - Case Study Example Sheilaââ¬â¢s starting a business with this kind of products circumvents the Non-competition clause, and, inevitably, leads to the circumvention of the Non-solicitation of customers clause. This is normal, as such a product needs to be sold to the same range of customers with whom ATS works with. Moreover, a lot of the work that Sheila had done on developing the concept of Intelisoft was done by her using ATSââ¬â¢s property: her working laptop was connected to her home computer and her Palm, which, additionally to the above-mentioned, violates the clause referring to the company property usage. Another clause which is violated by Sheila is the Assignment of Developments clause, which stipulates that any development that ââ¬Å"(i) relates to the business of the Company or any customer of or supplier to the Company or any of the products or services being developed, manufactured or sold by the Company or which may be used in relation therewith; or (ii) results from tasks assigned to me by the Company; or (iii) results from the use of premises or personal property (whether tangible or intangible) owned, leased or contracted for by the Company, then all such Developments and the benefits thereof are and shall immediately become the sole and absolute property of the Company and its assigns, as works made for hire or otherwise.â⬠Her further actions may involuntarily lead to her violating the non-disclosure clause, too.
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Ethical use of information Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Ethical use of information - Essay Example Unethical acts can be determined by the AMAââ¬â¢s Code of Medical Ethics. Moreover, one can determine a special concern related to a particular issue (Al-Fedaghi, 2012). After determining that the unethical conduct has occurred, one may need to approach the practitioner and talk about the concerns. Attention should be focused on the possible negative impact on the patient and the integrity of practice. Reports could also be made to the administration, or higher authority regarding how the issue. Moreover, institutions should establish channels for reporting handling unethical practice within the institution. All nurses should assist in identifying unethical practices that could harm a patientââ¬â¢s well-being. Reporting should be based on accurate facts and not merely opinion. Despite the fact that reporting may put a nurse at risk, it should not eliminate obligation to address unethical practice that affect patient safety (Goodman, et al., 2011). Goodman, K. W., Berner, E. S., Dente, M. A., Kaplan, B., Koppel, R., Rucker, D., . . . Winkelstein, P. (2011). Challenges in ethics, safety, best practices, and oversight regarding HIT vendors, their customers and patients: a report of an AMIA special task force. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association,
Friday, August 23, 2019
In considering your personal, educational, and employment background, Essay
In considering your personal, educational, and employment background, in what ways do you hope or expect to contribute to the academic and professional community at USC Rossier - Essay Example I have also done a lot of volunteer in community churches and schools. Evidently, this has instilled values of care and open-mindedness. My passion for education has made me traversed different professional and career paths. I have completed Bachelorââ¬â¢s Degree in Management as well as Masters Degrees in Science of Management and Elementary education. My main aspiration now is to acquire an EdD in Educational Change Leadership. With this, I hope to solidify my long learning goals in school administration. Additionally, I am looking forward to share the knowledge and educational background to influence positively the professional community of USC Rossier. Finally, I have spent my employment background as an elementary teacher and school administrator. Most importantly, it has given me positive experience to be a better mentor in the education field. The most significant project I would like to work on is to assist an innovative and visionary group of teachers with learning strategies, which are relevant to their individual needs. Additionally, I would like to properly train educators to create initiatives that will improve the quality of education. This will be done through collaborative engagements geared towards improving studentsââ¬â¢
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Principles of accounts Essay Example for Free
Principles of accounts Essay I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the persons who have been helpful towards the successful completion of this assignment. First and foremost I would like to thank Shadae Russell, Shakeyra Millington, Jonathon Butler and Ovasha Bartley for their support and assistance towards carrying out the research to complete this assignment. Secondly I want to thank my guardians for providing me with the suitable materials to finalize this assignment. I would also like to thank Mrs. K. Elliot for her assistance and guidance in completing this project. Last but certainly not least I would like to thank God for his extended mercies unto me. Introduction This assignment is about a business that started approximately three (3) years ago which is situated in a busy area that allows it to generate large amounts of money each day to carry out its operations. This assignment contains all the information about this Blannaââ¬â¢s Fashion Boutique business. The information which this assignment contains includes the financial records for the period ending September 30 2011. This assignment serves to keep track of all the money that goes inside the business bank account, all the cash which the business uses within visiting the business bank account, all the money that goes outside of the business bank account, all the money that came into the business by cash and not with the use of cheques and the purposes for each transaction. Therefore this assignment provides a clear understand of all the operations the business under goes on a day to day basis. Table of Contents Headings Page # Cover Page I Title PageII AcknowledgementIII Introduction IV Aim of the Project1 Description of Business Entity 2 Mission Statement 3 Logo and Slogan 4 Accounting Cycle 5 Accounting Information Journals 6-7 Cash Book 8 Ledgers 9-13 Trial Balance 14 Stock Valuation 15-19 Trading, Profit and Loss and Appropriation A/c 20-21 Balance Sheet 22 Bank Reconciliation Statement 23 Accounting Ratios 24-25 Performance of the Business 26 Comparisons 27 Recommendations and Suggestions 28 Conclusion 29 Appendix Price list (showing mark up %) 30 Diagrams Charts and Graphs Pictures Invoices, Cheques, Receipts etc References Aim of the Project The aim of this project is: To arrive at a comprehensive understanding of the financial sector of businesses. To highlight the strength and the weaknesses of the Blannaââ¬â¢s Fashion Boutique business. To present the financial records for the year ended September 30, 2011 for Blannaââ¬â¢s Fashion Boutique business. Description of Business Entity Blannaââ¬â¢s Fashion Boutique is a partnership. This business is owned and operated by Anna Kay Blake, Shadae Russell and Ovasha Bartley a Group of ambitious young ladies. Our main aim is to make a profit while catering for the needs of the community which it is situated in. Blannaââ¬â¢s Fashion Boutique is situated in Montego Bay at the Blue diamond plaza 10 Pearl Street. This business has been in existence since June 20, 2008. We employ approximately fifteen (15) workers. We cater for the petite to the full figured women. We produce a wide variety of slippers, pants, skirts, handbags and accessories. Prices are always lower than that of our competitors. In cases of fashion emergencies you can call us at (1876) 3553980/4275646 or email us at Blannaââ¬â¢[emailprotected] com. The mission of Blannaââ¬â¢s Fashion Boutique is to: Provide the latest fashion for all females Provide goods and services at a reasonable cost Ensure that the quality of our goods meets the standards of our business. Ensure that whatever the business do doesnââ¬â¢t affect the environment negatively. Provide employment for members of the community Provide sponsors to underprivileged children Logo and Slogan Logo Slogan With passion we send out the latest fashion Accounting Cycle General Journal Date Details Folio Debit Credit September 1 Bank CB01 364000 Cash CB01 27160 Debtor (J. Simpson) SL01 31600 Motor Van GL02 62840 Building GL03 100000 Stock 24960 Creditor (Super Supreme) PL01 10560 Capital GL01 600000 Opening entries 610560 610560 Purchase journalPage 01 Date Details Folio Amount 1-Sep Super Supreme International PL01 237,040 27-Sep Super Supreme International PL01 57,960 Sep 30 Total credit purchases to be transferred to the purchases account in the general ledger GL02 295,000 SALES JOURNAL Date Details Folio Amount 5-Sep J. Simpson SL01 57000 13-Sep B. Banton SL03 78,550 20-Sep N. Kidman SL02 104,400 Sep 30 Total credit sales to be transferred to the sales account in the general ledger GL13 239,950 RETURN OUTWARDS JOURNAL Date Details Folio Amount 9-Sep Super Supreme International PL01 13,600 Sep 30 Total return outwards to be transferred to the return outwards account in the general ledger GL16 13,600 Return Inwards Day Book Date Details Folio Amount 24-Sep B. Banton SL03 16,800 30-Sep N. Kidman SL02 9,600 Sep 30 Total goods returned to us to be transferred to the return inwards account in the general ledger GL15 26,400 Cash Book Date Details Folio Discount Allowed Cash Bank Date Details Folio Discount Received Cash Bank September 1 Balance b/d GJ01 27,160 364,000 September 1 Machinery GL3 48,000 September 2 Bank C 50,000 2 Cash C 50,000 3 Sales GL13 59,350 3 Rent GL4 30,000 7 Sales GL13 37,750 6 Fixtures GL5 65,000 18 J. Simpson SJ01 12,000 45,000 8 Wages GL12 10,000 29 B. Banton SJ03 6,175 55,575 11 Insurance GL6 6,100 30 Sales GL13 120,540 11 Electricity GL7 3,300 11 Rates GL8 2,600 15 Super Supreme International PL01 7,500 142,500 15 Wages GL12 10,000 16 Drawings GL10 6,200 19 Furniture GL11 3,600 22 Wages GL12 10,000 29 Wages GL12 10,000 30 Balance c/d 123,075 239,000 18,175 350,375 409,000 7,500 350,375 409,000 General Ledger Date Details Folio Amount Date Details Folio Amount Capital A/C Page 01 September 31 Balance c/d 600,000 September 1 Balance b/d GJ01 600,000 October 1 Balance b/d 600,000 Motor Van A/C Page 02 September 1 Balance b/d GJ12 62,840 September 30 Balance c/d 62,840 October 1 Balance b/d 62,840 Buildings A/C Page 03 September 1 Balance b/d GJ01 100,000 September 30 Balance c/d 100,000 October 1 Balance b/d 100,000 Machinery A/C September 1 Bank CB01 48,000 September 31 Balance c/d 48,000 October 1 Balance b/d 48,000 Rent A/C September 3 Bank CB01 30,000 September 30 Profit Loss 30,000 Fixtures A/C September 6 Cash CB01 65,000 September 31 Balance c/d 65,000 October 1 Bal b/d 65,000 Insurance A/C September 11 Bank CB01 6,100 September 30 Profit Loss 6,100 Electricity A/C September 11 Bank CB01 3,300 September 30 Profit Loss 5,500 30 Accruals c/d 1,200 5,500 5,500 October 1 Accruals b/d 1200 Rates September 11 Bank CB01 2,600 September 30 Profit Loss 2,600 Drawings September 16 Cash CB01 6,200 September 30 Balance c/d 6,200 September 30 Balance b/d 6,200 Furniture September 19 Cash CB01 3,600 September 30 Balance c/d 3,600 October 1 Balance b/d 3,600 Wages September 8 Bank C01 10,000 September 31 Profit Loss 40,000 15 Cash C01 10,000 22 Bank C01 10,000 29 Bank C01 10,000 40,000 40,000 Sales September 30 Trading Account 457,590 September 3 Cash CB01 59,350 September 7 Cash CB01 37,750 September 30 Cash CB01 120,540 September 30 Total Credit Sales SJ01 239,950 457,590 457,590 Purchases September 31 Total Credit Purchases PJ01 295,000 September 31 Trading Account 295,000 Return Inwards September 31 Total for month RI01 26,400 September 31 Trading Account 26,400 Return Outwards September 31 Trading Account RO01 13,600 September 31 Total for month 13,600 Discount Allowed September 30 Total Discount Given to customers 18,175 September 30 P L 18,175 Discount Received September 30 P L 7,500 September 11 Super Supreme International 7,500 Purchases Ledger Super Supreme International September 9 Return Outwards RO01 13,600 September 1 Balance b/d GJ01 10,560 15 Bank CB01 142,500 1 Purchases PJ01 237,040 15 Discount Received CB01 7,500 27 Purchases PJ01 57,960 30 Balance c/d 141,960 305,560 305,560 October 1 Balance b/d 141,960 Sales Ledger J. Simpson September 1 Balance b/d 31,600 September 18 Discount Allowed CB01 12,000 September 5 Sales SJ01 57,000 September 18 Bank CB01 45000 September 30 Balance c/d 31,600 88,600 88,600 October 1 Balance b/d 31,600 N. Kidman September 20 Sales SJ01 104,400 September 30 Return Inwards RI01 9,600 September 30 Balance c/d 94,800 104,400 104,400 October 1 Balance b/d 94,800 B. Banton September 13 Sales SJ01 78,550 September 24 Return Inwards RI01 16,800 September 29 Discount Allowed CB01 6,175 29 Cash CB01 55,575 78,550 78,550 Trial Balance Blannaââ¬â¢s Fashion Boutique Trial Balance as at September 30, 2011 Details Debit $ Credit $ Capital 600,000 Motor Van Buildings 100,000 Machinery 48,000 Stock 24,960 Rent 30,000 Fixtures 65,000 Sales 457,590 Purchases 295,000 Cash 123,075 Bank 239,000 Wages 40,000 Return Outwards 13,600 Super Supreme International 141,960 Electricity 3,300 Insurance 6,100 Rates 2,600 Furniture 3,600 Drawings 6,200 Return Inwards 26,400 N. Kidman 94,800 J. Simpson 31,600 Discount Received 7,500 Discount Allowed 18,175 1,220,650 1,220,650 Stock Valuation (A) Pants Date Received Issued Balance Quantity Unit Price Amount Quantity Unit Price Amount Quantity Unit Price Amount 1-Sep 12 900 10,800 1-Sep 96 1,000 96,000 12 96 900 1,000 10,800 96,000 3-Sep 12 12 900 1,000 10,800 12,000 84 1,000 84,000 5-Sep 12 1,000 12,000 72 1,000 72,000 13-Sep 24 1,000 24,000 48 1,000 48,000 20-Sep 24 1,000 24,000 24 1,000 24,000 27-Sep 36 1,100 39,600 24 36 1,000 1,100 24,000 39,600 30-Sep 24 12 1,000 1,100 24,000 13,200 24 1,100 26,400 (B) Blouse Date Received Issued Balance Quantity Unit Price Amount Quantity Unit Price Amount Quantity Unit Price Amount 1-Sep 12 400 4,800 1-Sep 96 440 42,240 12 96 400 440 4,800 42,240 5-Sep 12 12 400 440 4,800 5,280 84 440 36,960 13-Sep 24 440 10,560 60 440 26,400 20-Sep 36 440 15,840 24 440 10,560 30-Sep 12 440 5,280 12 440 5,280 (C ) Handbag Date Received Issued Balance Quantity Unit Price Amount Quantity Unit Price Amount Quantity Unit Price Amount 1-Sep 4 1,600 6400 4 1,600 6,400 3-Sep 1 1,600 1,600 3 1,600 4,800 7-Sep 1 1,600 1,600 2 1,600 3,200 13-Sep 1 1,600 1,600 1 1,600 1,600 27-Sep 4 1,650 6,600 1 4 1,600 1,650 1,600 6,600 30-Sep 1 3 1,600 1,650 1,600 4,950 1 1,650 1,650 (D ) Skirts Date Received Issued Balance Quantity Unit Cost Amount Quantity Unit Cost Amount Quantity Unit Cost Amount 1-Sep 12 780 9,360 1-Sep 60 820 49,200 12 60 780 820 9,360 49,200 3-Sep 12 780 9,360 60 820 49,200 7-Sep 12 820 9,840 48 820 39,360 13-Sep 12 820 9,840 36 820 29,520 30-Sep 24 820 19,680 12 820 9,840 (E) Slipper Date Received Issued Balance Quantity Unit Price Amount Quantity Unit Price Amount Quantity Unit Price Amount 1-Sep 48 900 43,200 48 900 43,200 5-Sep 12 900 10,800 36 900 32,400 7-Sep 12 900 10,800 24 900 21,600 20-Sep 24 900 21,600 27-Sep 12 980 11,760 12 980 11,760 Trading, Profit and Loss and Appropriation Account Blannaââ¬â¢s Fashion Boutique Trading Profit Loss Account for the year ended September 30, 2011 $ $ $ Sales 457,590 Less Return Inwards (26,400) Net Sales 431,190 Less Cost of Goods Sold: Opening Stock 24,960 Purchases 95,000 Less Return Outwards (13,600) Net Purchases 281,400 Cost of Goods Available 306,360 Less Closing Stock (54,930) 251,430 Gross Profit 179,760 Add Revenues Discount Received 7,500 187,260 Less Expenses Wages 40,000 Rent 30,000 Electricity 4,500 Insurance 5,100 Rates 2,600 Depreciation 400 Discount Allowed 18,175 100,775 86,485 Net Profit Add interest on Drawings: Shadae 620 Less: 85,865 Interest on capital Anna kay 12,500 Shadae 7500 Ovasha 10,000 30,000 Salary: Anna kay 12,000 42,000 43,865 Share of Profit: Anna kay 18,277. 08 Shadae 10966. 25 Ovasha14,621. 67 43,865 Balance Sheet Blannaââ¬â¢s Fashion Boutique Balance Sheet as at September 30, 2011 Fixed Assets Cost Accumulated Depreciation NBV Buildings 100000 100,000 Fixtures 65000 65,000 Machinery 48000 400 47,600 Furniture 3600 3,600 Motor Car 62840 62,840 400 279,040 Current Assets Stock 54,930 Debtors 126,400 Prepayment 1,000 Bank 239,000 Cash 123,075 544,405 Less Current Liabilities Creditors 141960 Accruals 1,200 143160 Working Capital 401,245 680,285 Financed by: Capital 600,000 Net Profit 86,485 686,485 Less Drawings 6,200 680,285 Bank Reconciliation Statement Updated Cash Book Balance b/d 239,000 Bank Charges 65 Credit Transfer 4200 Standing Order 15000 Balance c/d 228,135 243200 243200 Bank Reconciliation Statement as at September 30, 2011 Balance as per Bank Statement 222,535 Add Late Lodgments 45,000 267,535 Less Unpresented Cheque 39,400 Balance as per Cash Book 228,135 Accounting Ratios Inventory Turnover Ratio- Cost of Goods sold Average Inventory/2 =244,470 24960+61890/2 =5. 62 Current Ratio- Current assets Current Liabilities =551365 143160 =3. 85 Gross profit as a percentage of sales- Gross profit x 100 Sales =179,760 x 100 457590 = 39. 28% For every sale of $100 the business earns $39. 28 as gross profit. Net profit Ratio- Net profit / Net sales x l00 =86,485 / 431,190 x 100 =20. 06% For every sale of $100 the business earns $20. 06 as net profit. Acid Test Ratio- Current Assets- Stock Current liabilities = 544,405 54,930 143160 =3. 42 Performance of the Business In preparing the financial statements of Blannaââ¬â¢s Fashion Boutique the Trading, profit and loss and appropriation account shows a profit of eighty six thousand four hundred and eighty five thousand dollar (86,485) at the end of the financial period of September 30,2011. The business started out with six hundred thousand dollar. In the closing of the financial period of Blannaââ¬â¢s Fashion Boutique there was an increase in the amount of capital that the business has. The business made a gross profit of one hundred and seventy nine seven hundred and sixty dollars (179,760) instead of making a gross loss. Comparisons The comparison is being done between the opening capital and the closing capital for Blannaââ¬â¢s Fashion Boutique, at the end of the financial period. At the beginning of the financial year the opening capital was six hundred thousand dollar (600,000). At the end of the financial period the closing capital is six hundred and eighty thousand two hundred and eighty five dollar (680,285) which means there is an increase of eighty thousand two hundred and eighty five dollar (80,285). Another comparison is being done between the fixed assets of the business and the current assets. The fixed asset of the business is two hundred and seventy nine thousand and forty dollar (279,040) while the current asset is five hundred and forty four thousand four hundred and five dollars (544,405). This means that the amount of money that the business spend of items that stays in the business with no intention of selling it is lesser than the amount of money that the business spend on assets that will allow the business to generate a profit. Recommendations and Suggestions It is recommended that Blannaââ¬â¢s Fashion Boutique: Ploughed back a portion of the profit that the business makes into it. Introduces new products to the business. Purchase new equipment for the business Uses some of the profit that the business makes to attach another department on to the business. It is suggested that Blannaââ¬â¢s Fashion Boutique should: Purchase cheaper equipments to use in the business. This will increase the amount of money available in the business. Offer more sale discounts this will force more customers to purchase from Blannaââ¬â¢s Fashion Boutique. Conclusion It is clear that Blannaââ¬â¢s Fashion Boutique keeps all the records of the transactions that take place in the business over the financial period of time. Blannaââ¬â¢s Fashion Boutique could increase the gross profit and net profit of the business by adhering to the suggestions or recommendations outlined. Never the less Blannaââ¬â¢s Fashion Boutique made a good net profit of eighty six thousand four hundred and eighty five dollars (86,485) during the month of September in 2011. Blannaââ¬â¢s Fashion Boutique was able to make a profit due to the large amount of sales the business made. Price list Goods Price Pants $ Blouse $ Handbags $ Skirts $ Slippers $ INVOICE Debit note Principles of Accounts School Based Assessment (2012-2013) You are required to name the firm and state the nature of the business. This must be in accordance with the items sold*. After the initial accounting entries (Tasks 1 -3) have been completed you will then record the additional adjusting entries as set out at Tasks 4 and 5. You may choose goods from the following list for the transactions. * Computer Store Clothes and Accessories Store A Keyboard Pants (guess) B Mouse Blouse (guess) C Printer Hand bags (guess) D Surge Protector Skirts (guess) E Speakers Slippers (guess) ABC Enterprise (Remember that you are to rename the firm) The following transactions were taken from the books of ABC Enterprise. You are required to asses them carefully then write up the relevant books as outlined in the requirements below: 2011 Sept 1Opening Balances Capital$600, 000 Bank$364, 000 Cash$ 27, 160 Debtor (J Simpson)$ 31, 600 Creditor (Super Supreme International)$ 10, 560 Motor Van$ 62, 840 Building$100, 000 Stock 1doz A$ 10,800 1doz B $ 4,800 1doz D$ 9,360 Sept 1Bought goods on credit from Super Supreme International. 8 doz A @ $1,000 each 8 doz B @ $440 each 4 boxes C @ $1,600 each 5 doz D @ $820 each 4 doz E @ $900 each Sept 1Bought Machinery by cheque $48, 000. Sept 2Withdrew $50, 000 cash from the bank account to be used in the business. Sept 3Cash Sales 2 doz A @ $1, 650 each 1 box C @ $2, 950 each 1 doz D @ $1, 400 each Sept 3 Paid rent by cheque $30, 000. Sept 5 sold goods on credit to J. Simpson. 1 doz A @ $1, 650 each 2 doz B @ $800 each 1 doz E @ $1, 500 each Sept 6 Bought fixtures with cash $65, 000. Sept 7 Cash Sales 1 box C @ $2, 950 each 1 doz D @ $1, 400 each 1 doz E @ $1, 500 each Sept 8Paid wages $10, 000 by cheque. Sept 9Returned goods to Super Supreme International as items were damaged. 1 doz A 1 box C Sept 11Paid the following expenses by cheque: Insurance $6,100, Electricity $3,300 and Rates $2,600. Sept 13Sold goods on credit to B. Banton: 2 doz A @ $1, 650 each 2 doz B @ $ 800 each 1 box C @ $2, 950 each 1 doz D @ $1, 400 each Sept 15Made payment to Super Supreme International by cash $150, 000, received a 5% cash discount. Sept 15Paid wages with cash $10, 000 Sept 16Owner withdrew $6,200 cash to fix his personal motor car. Sept 18Collected Cheque from J. Simpson for goods sold on Sept 5th 2011, $45, 000. Sept 19Bought furniture $3,600 with cash from Courts Ja. Ltd. Sept 20Sold goods on credit to N. Kidman 2 doz A @ $1, 650 each 3 doz B @ $ 800 each 2 doz E @ $1, 500 each Sept 22Paid wages with cheque $10, 000. Sept 241 doz D returned to us by B. Banton as they were the wrong size. Sept 27Bought goods on credit from Super Supreme International. 3 doz A @ $ 1,100 each 4 boxes C @ $1, 650 each 1 doz E @ $ 980 each Sept 29B. Banton settled his account less 10% cash discount. He paid with cash. Sept 29 Paid wages $10,000 by cheque. Sept 30 Received goods from N. Kidman: 1 doz B Sept 30Cash Sales 3 doz A @ $1, 815 each 1 doz B @ $ 800 each 4 boxes C @ $3, 000 each 2 doz D @ $1, 400 each Task 1 Write up ALL Subsidiary Books and then post the transactions to the ledgers. Please ensure that you distinguish between, General Ledger, Sales Ledger and Purchases Ledger. Show the opening entries in the General Journal at September 1, 2011. Task 2 Prepare ABC Enterprise Trial Balance as at September 30, 2011 Task 3 Using the FIFO method of stock valuation, determine the closing stock. Task 4 Design a logo and slogan for your business and provide the relevant information on the business entity Prepare ABC Enterprise Trading, Profit and Loss Account for the month ending September 30, 2011 and a Balance Sheet as at that date, after taking into account the following: a) Insurance expense was paid in advance, $1000. b) Electricity was outstanding by $1, 200 c) Machinery is to be depreciated at 10 % annually using the straight line method (show the depreciation for the month). Show adjustment to the above information in the ledgers. Task 5 Prepare the Bank Reconciliation Statement using the Bank Statement below Bank Statement DR CR Balance $ $ $ Sept 1 Balance 364 000 Sept 1 Burkeââ¬â¢s (Machinery) 48 000 316 000 Sept 2 SNPN Ltd (Cash) 50 000 266 000 Sept 8 Wages 10 000 256 000 Sept 11 NWC (Rates) 2 600 253 400 Sept 20 Wages 10 000 243 400 Sept 24 Credit transfer (Q Smith) 4 200 247 600 Sept 29 Wages
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Reading Questions Essay Example for Free
Reading Questions Essay He decides that it is a ââ¬Å"false memoryâ⬠and that they did not matter as long as one knew what the memories stood for; he proceeds to smile at the portrait of Big Brother and his legs convulse as the announcement is made that Oceania won the war. Short Answer Questions for Entire Novel 1. During Winstons stay in the Ministry of Love, OBrien asks Winston, How does one man exert his power over another to which Winston replies, By making him suffer. Explain how The Party is able to maintain control and power over its citizens (proles and party members alike) by making them suffer. Cite examples from the text to support your answer. There are several instances in which The Party makes the citizens suffer; for instance, in part three, Winstonââ¬â¢s elbow is smashed as Oââ¬â¢Brien identifies himself as a member of the Ministry of Love. It is at this very moment when Winston comes up with the hypothesis that no one can be a hero if they are physically tortured. There is also the example of the party members doing exercises like toe touches (Winston particularly has trouble actually executing the exercises). In a way, this results in the party members having to be even more obedient (since the telescreen watches everything). The telescreen is what controls everything; if you even think of revolting against The Party, you will be terminated; and not a word would be said about it, yet it intimidated the rest of the population (proles and party members alike) because they wanted to avoid being vanished.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Importance Of Computer Backup Systems
The Importance Of Computer Backup Systems This is used to recompress the files on a disk using the compression method specified. A disk can be recompressed using a single compression method or by using different methods for individual files and folders. Files and folders can also stay uncompressed. This will help save disk space. Disk cleanup: Computer space fills up fast, and being able to quickly make more space is important. Disk cleanup does just that. This is a tool that enables users to clear their disks of unnecessary files. It removes any unused and temporary files from ones computer to make space for new files and programs. Disk cleanup can take a couple seconds to a few hours to remove unused files from the computer. The time depends on how many files are being removed and the speed of the processor. Disk defragmenter: This is the process of resorting all the data on a hard drive so that it starts at the beginning of the disk and is ordered in a chronological nature. It is essential significance to maintaining a properly running computer. The function of a disk defragmenter is to rewrite the data on a hard disk so that all files are written from start to finish and not spread across the entire disk out of order. Defragmenting a hard drive reduces the amount of time it takes to access and read a file. A defragmentation procedure may take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours depending on the size and number of disks on a computer system. Drive Converter: (F) DriveSpace: This is a disk compression utility. This software compresses fate on the fly when the data is to be stored on the hard drive or floppy, and expands the data as it is read from the drive. It increases the amount of data the user could store on disks. However, DriveSpace makes the computer run more slowly, since decompression happens on the fly with every disk access. (G) Maintenance Wizard: This helps one get the best performance from the system. You can run Maintenance Wizard to make your programs run faster, check your hard disk for problems, and free hard disk space. When you start the maintenance wizard, you may choose to express or to use your own custom settings. (H) Net watcher: This is a utility that can be used to monitor the activities of network clients on a particular system. With Net Watcher, one can see who is connected to the system. What shares one is accessing, and what files they have open. One can also at once terminate a users access to the system, a share, or a file. (I) Resource Meter: Resource Meter software displays specific system-related information, mostly about how your available resources like memory space or disk space are currently in use. It is a tiny program that runs in the background and lets you know the amount of resources your system is using at a specified time. It displays as an icon in the System Tray and is color coded. (J) Scan Disk: This is a windows utility used to check the hard disk for errors and to correct problems that are found. These errors often occur when Windows locks up and must be restarted. (K) Scheduled Tasks: It is a component of Microsoft Windows that provides the capacity to schedule the launch of programs at pre-defined times or after specific time periods. It can be used to schedule tasks on the local or remote system to which one is connected. (L) System Monitor: It is a hardware or software based system used to monitor resources and performance in a computer system. These monitoring systems are often used to keep track of system resources or the amount of free RAM. They are also used to display items such as free space on one or more hard drives, the temperature of the CPU and other important components, networking information, and current rates of upload and download. Other likely displays may contain date and time, computer name, username, hard drive, and fan speeds. Question 3: The internet is computer based global information system. It is composed of many interconnected computer networks. The internet has brought a transformation in many aspects of life. Nowadays one can access the internet easily. The internet has developed to give many benefits to mankind. The access to information is one of the most important uses of the internet. Students can now have access to libraries around the world. Before, students had to spend hours in the libraries, but now at the touch of a button, students have a huge amount of information in front of them. Communication is an area where the internet is used for various reasons as it is low cost, effortless and fast. Communication takes place in the forms of emails, chats, video chats and video conferences. E-mail is an important communications service available on the Internet. Email has speeded up business communication on all levels. Usually, it takes only a few seconds for an e-mail to arrive at its destination. This is a particularly effective way to communicate with a group because you can broadcast a message or document to everyone in the group at once. Internet-telephony is another common communications service made possible by the creation of the internet. Internet telephony software essentially provides free telephone calls anywhere in the world One of the fastest- growing forms of internet communication is instant messaging, or also known as IM. An IM communications service enables you to create a private chat room with another individual in order to communicate in real-time over the internet. One of the reasons that IM has become so popular is because, unlike e-mails, if a person wants to reach another individual and they are come online, a message appears instantly in a window on their screen. IM is growing in popularity in the business world. Employees of a company can have instant access to managers and co-workers in different offices and can reduce the need to place phone calls when information is required immediately. IM can save time for employees and can reduce the amount of money a business spends on communication. Interviews can even be conducted online through video conferencing giving the same effects as real life interviews. Video conferencing is a conference between two or more participants at different sites by using computer networks to transmit audio and video data. Each participant has a video camera, microphone and speakers connected on his or her computer. As they speak, their voices are delivered to each other and whatever images appear in from of the video camera appear in a window in the other participants monitor. Advertising on the World Wide Web is a form of support for expressed purpose of delivering marketing messages to attract customers. It is expected to be the most effective form of advertising. Companies can reach a wide audience for a small fraction of traditional advertising budgets. This allows customers to research and purchase products and services at their own convenience. Social Impact The internet has enabled completely new forms of social interaction, activities, and organizing thanks to its basic features. Social networking websites such as Facebook, Myspace, and Friendster have created new ways to socialize and interact. These sites allow users to add information to pages, to add pictures, common interests and to connect with others. There are also sites that allow people to view videos and photographs. An example of this is YouTube. The internet also provides an area of leisure activity such as multiplayer gaming. This creates communities where people of all ages and origins take pleasure in the world of multiplayer games. Many people also use the Internet to access and download music, movies and other things for their enjoyment. In addition, the World Wide Web is used by many people to access news, to check the weather and sports reports, and to plan and book vacations. Selling The internet can also be used to sell products. A major advantage of selling via internet is the ability to reach anyone. You can reach customers that speak different languages. This is possible due to the fact that the language carrier is removed and translation software is used. When using the internet to sell products or services, one can operate from any computer in the world. Selling without the internet limits one to operate only from a fixed place. When selling via internet, one may take advantage of interactive and multimedia channels. These allow for immediate response time. One also has the option to remain anonymous which allows for privacy which would not normally have outside the internet. Having a product on sale to the public 24/7 is an incredible benefit of the internet. Center of learning With the internet you can learn to do anything or perfect a skill you already have. There are many websites where you can see an instructional video or read step by step on how to do whatever it is you would like. Question 4: (A) Pipelining is a particularly effective way of organizing parallel activity in a computer system. The basic idea is very simple. A set of data processing elements connected in series, so that the output of one element is the input of the next one. The elements of a pipeline are often performed in parallel or in time-sliced fashion. It is divided in stages. Each stage completes a part of an instruction in parallel. The stages are connected to form a pipe. Instructions enter one end of the pipe, progress through the stages, and exit at the other end. (B) The system clock synchronizes the tasks in a computer, like loading date before manipulating it. The system clock is a circuit that sends out a continuous stream of precise high and low pulses that are all exactly the same length. Every modern PC has multiple system clocks. Each of these vibrates at a specific frequency, normally measured in MHz (c) Parallel processing is the ability to carry out multiple operations or tasks simultaneously. Parallel processing makes programs run faster because there are more engines running it. With the help of parallel processing, a number of computers can be performed at once at a shorter rate. Question 2: Windows 98 is a widely-installed product in Microsofts evolution of the Windows operating system for personal computers. It has many features that has enhanced its growth. Multiple Monitors: Windows 98 now supports multiple monitors. Multiple monitors is a device for typical home and business use, but is an vital requirement for professional content creation. It is common to have all the software such as page layout, pre-press, illustration, animation and other graphics work on one screen and the artwork in progress on a screen by itself. It is frequent to have music and video on one complete monitor for each source and destination in use. Web integration: The windows 98 includes all of the improvements from windows desktop update, an internet explorer 4 components, desk bands, channels, ability to minimize foreground windows, single click launching, back and forward navigation buttons, favourites, and address bar in windows explorer. With active desktop, users can view and access desktop objects online as well as local files and applications. Read more: What Is the Definition of Disk Cleanup? | Read more: What Is the Definition of Disk Cleanup? | Read more: What Is the Definition of Disk Cleanup? |
The Impact of the Media on Body Image :: Media
Introduction In the recent decades, with the improvement of the living standard, people have been paying more attention to their own physical appearance. For example, when a person faces to a mirror, he or she will think about if his or her height, weight, body shape even the hair style are beautiful in nowadaysââ¬â¢ society. Another example is many grandparents think their obese grandchildren are healthy, but a large number of adolescents themselves think as thin as fashion models are healthy. Obviously, different people have different body image in mind. In my view, the different culture backgrounds, genders, age groups or living environments all can cause different body images. This article will talk about how does the media impact peopleââ¬â¢s body image and some previous studies in body image will be shown. Literature review Media has become the main way for people to get information no matter is the ancient story or the latest news. However, the negative impact also comes out. For example, according to a meta-analysis of 25studies from 1979-2001 shows that peopleââ¬â¢s body images felt more positive after seeing a fat media image than viewing a thin media image(Groesz,L.,&Murnen,2007). Thus, the researcher sum up that the slender image can let people feel satisfaction. As a result, mare and more social or psychological researcher want to study that how the media influences peopleââ¬â¢s thinking and use the satisfaction to describe the measure of body image. Previous study one( body image study in adolescents) The researcher Hill, G.J. who is the assistant professor of Texas Christian University had a study focus on two main objects. First, to determine media images influence the body image among the collage students. Second, to find if the media effect collage studentsââ¬â¢ body satisfaction(Hill,G.J.,2009). According to him, the abilitiesof people realise body satisfaction and health behavior,are influenced by mass media images is very important for family and consumer sciences professionals to understand. In this study, there are 184 students who comes from a private university were attended this survey. The average age of student is 21. Both of the male (42%) and female (58%) students were given two sections which were the powerpoint presentation about the weighu management was developed and the questionnaires after the presentation. Firstly, these 184 students were randomly assigned to control and experimental groups. The presentation gave the introduction about achievinh h ealth weight, improving eating habits even the food guide pyramid.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Hollywood - Lies and Misrepresentations :: Film Movies
Hollywood - Lies and Misrepresentations In Hollywood, many filmmakers portray a distorted view of the Internet. Filmmakers do this by giving out misinformation on topics (i.e. Sharks-Jaws, Internet-The Net) that the public knows little about. When people know little about a specific topic, they begin to fear that issue. People fear the movie because they shut down their brain and tune into their senses, completely letting go of common knowledge. The public does not like to think about the movie. Not only does the filmmaker present the public with deceitful lies but they also capitalize on the net as a central problem, which is another regard to the misrepresentation of the Internet. The Internet is fraudulently represented in movies, such as The Net. Movie producers tap into the emotional fears of the public and stretch the fears of the viewers as far as they will go, stopping just before they access the peoples more rational train of thought. The Net, a popular movie in 1995, compels people to think that what is happening in this movie, could just as well happen to them. When the movie The Net came out in 1995, the public was just receiving the basic e-mail accounts. The common person had little to no knowledge of the Internet. As soon as filmmakers found this piece of information, they seized the idea of the Internet, a dangerous place for all. The producers gave the idea that if people type out where they live, what their telephone number is, etc., just to get their e-mail account, the government will track them and quite possibly, be running for their life. The public felt this way because of the misconceptions of where their info is going. They thought that while they were typing it out, it would be presented for many other people to see. Another example of this would be the movie Jaws. Before the movie came out most of the population had little facts about sharks. So naturally, when people do not know much about a certain object, movie producers have plenty of room to play with peoples emotions. Filmmakers love to capitalize upon the Net, however the Internet is not the central problem. The Net is not one thing. Its like asking: Are women comfortable in bars? Thats a silly question. Which women? Which bar? (Bruckman-171) I believe in Bruckmans statement about how that is a silly question.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
The Road Not Taken Essay -- Poetry Robert Frost essays research papers
à à à à à In analyzing the poem 'The Road Not Taken'; by Robert Frost, it represents 'the classic choice of a moment and a lifetime.';(pg 129) He relies much on the reflections of nature to convey his theme. However, this poem seems to be in essence very simple but opens the door for many interpretations. In using a simple fork in a road, Frost writes much to symbolize life and choices in which one will make. Frost uses unique ability to see an ordinary, everyday activity to portray such a theme. By using such simple endeavors, Frost reaches his audience on a more personal level. However, it is only one's past, present and the attitude with which he or she looks upon the future that determines the shade of light in which the poem will be seen. (pg 621) There is never a straight path for one to follow on life's journey. By using two paths in which to choose from, Frost leaves one to realize that everyone must travel and will reach a point of decision. With stating 'And sorry I could not travel both,'; Frost shows the point in which one will choose because there is only one path in which one may travel. It is most difficult to make a decision on each appealing path because everyone will always seem to question 'what could I or could I not miss out on?'; The fact he is sorry he is sorry he cannot travel, or choose, both paves the way for regret. This will often be reflected upon by an individual in which saying ' what could have been'; leads one to dwelling over the choice of road in which they did not take. In knowing that each one may be influenced in many directions, Frost clearly implies 'And be one traveler, long I stood.'; No matter how each of us may be influenced by family or various sources, there is only 'one traveler'; that will be affected by any decision and there is quite a lengthy thought process involved. Regardless of any outside influence there is only one to be involved and truly affected, as does any choice in life. In somewhat of an attempt to make a decision each person wants to carefully examine the unknown. In using sort of a checks and balances a person would weigh out the risk factor to be involved. Frost uses the line, 'And looked down one as far as I could'; to portray an involved examination. The strain used in 'as far as I could'; symbolizes somewhat of a unknown content of where the path may lead. No matter what one knows... ...o sharply limited.';(pg 496) One would have to agree with his point, because everyone has had to make difficult unalterable decisions of which the outcome could not be foreseen. The narrator must choose between two 'fair'; roads, of which he cannot see the endpoints. Wandering between the two, he finally decides to take the road 'less traveled by.'; Yet, like most people, he later sighs with regret thinking of what he might have missed on the unexplored road. Above all, 'The Road Not Taken'; can truly be interpreted through much symbolism as a clear-sighted representation of two fair choices. The two roads in the poem, although, 'diverging,'; lead in different directions. At the beginning they appear to be somewhat similar, but is apparent that miles away they will grow farther and farther away from each other. Similar to many choices faced in life. It is impossible to foresee the consequences of most major decisions we make and it is often necessary to make these decisions based on a little more than examining which choice 'wanted wear.'; In the end, we look back upon the choices we have made and like the narrator 'sigh,'; observing that they have made 'all the difference.'
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Benefits and Influence of Music
Nowadays, music is very popular for teen and all ages. Some people like to listen Classic music and other like R&B or hip hop. It depend on their interesting. Even many people like music, but it still has advantages and disadvantages also. First of all, I would like to talk about the advantages of music. There are many advantages, but I'll tell you more details about that. First point, the music can make us feel relieve. Sometimes, when you get in the moody. You can take out your mp3 and listen to it, you will be feel relieve. The music such as hip hop or R&B can help you to get in the good mood again. Second point, music can make us feel more comfortable. When you listen the romantic music, you such a kind of dreaming or you feel that you can fly and get the romantic feeling. So your feeling more comfortable and being happy all the time. Third point, music can reduce your stresses all the time. When you stress, you listening music or do other activity in order to reduce your stresses step by step. You can listening hip hop music, it's help you smile. This is the last point of listening music, music can bring us in to one society by the meaning of the song. For example, you are listening to the Americana's song ( Dead and Gone), you can learn about the society in America. What happened in that or somethings beside this. Also you can improve your listening skill by listen the English song too. However music has many advantages, but it's also has disadvantages too. Listening music waste a lot money. When the singer show up or release new album, you always spend your money to buy it every time they release. If they release 100 different new album, Would you buy all this album? That's why I can say music waste a lot of money. On the other hands, music waste our time too. When you are addicted in to music. You always sit and listening to it without doing anything. You just sit and listen. You don't go out and do your work. Besides that, If you listen too much time and put your headset every time. You will have problem with your ear. You will spend much money or time to treat it. Totally, every things always have advantages and disadvantages. But if you get the information about this already. You should reduce your listening habit step by step. Benefits and influence of music Music gives different meaning to everyone. Music is a combination of art form from different elements of melody, harmony, rhythm and genre. Music acts as an influence, past time, hobby and passion. From classical to jazz, pop, rock, R&B, hip hop or even devotional songs, music affect different people in many different way. That is why we can see nowadays some people who are enthusiastic about music even attribute themselves and their talents into music professions. Music touches our soul and allows us to express different moods and emotions. Therefore, music has many roles that affect everyoneââ¬â¢s life. Listening to certain songs usually triggers to certain emotions linked to that song. As for me, I would listen to various sorts of songs to cheer my mood up. And seriously, life without music would be very dull. Have you ever heard of the saying, ââ¬Å"hooked on the feeling? ââ¬â¢Ã¢â¬â¢. Well, it really happens. For example, during festive seasons like Christmas, many people will put on Christmas songs because this will help them to stay on the state of euphoria all month long and bring back their childhood memories of Christmas. Therefore, music also plays a very crucial ole in overall development of an individual. It can take the mind and body to do spontaneous things either good or bad, depends on the type of music a person is listening to and it message contains. For instance, when someone is listening to sad songs related to their love or life, the listener will be highly in touch with that song connected with their emotions. Likewise, when another person is listening to a heavy metal songs, they might inhibited violated act or aggressive behavior as rock songs bring about rebellion and agitation influence. However, for some people, listening to this type of songs is their way of expressing anger and relieve from pain. Well, itââ¬â¢s actually depends on that person himself on how they interact and influence by the music.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice in the United States
Nurse Practitioners are registered nurses who are outstandingly recognized for providing primary care and treating acute and chronic illness and diseases. They acquired practiced skills and experience through advance education and medical training, and are authorized to serve as health and medical care resources and interdisciplinary consultants for diverse populations during health and illness. Nurse Practitioners may be generalists, like family nurse practitioners, or specialists whose areas of expertise include pediatrics, geriatrics, and psychiatry.Nurse Practitioners render a wide range of different types of preventive and clinical services as authorized by a state's Nurse Practice Act that vary from state-to-state in which some allow independent practice for nurse practitioners. In the United States, the state from which a nurse practitioner is practicing gives the nurse practitionerââ¬â¢s license being certified by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC). Since the profession is regulated by the state, the extended care-giving role played by Nurse Practitioners varies. Nurse practitioners in the community may be engaged in health maintenance organizations, home health care agencies, public health departments, school or college clinics, and physicianââ¬â¢s offices, to mention a few.With increasing demand for primary care services to underserved groups and communities, nurse practitioners are successfully qualified for rendering such service, being fully equipped with appropriate knowledge and training. Standards for practice developed by the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (1993) provide the specific activities that a nurse practitioner can perform and govern the services granted.In general, regardless of specialty, the scope of services practiced by nurse practitioners is divided into three categories. The first category covers the assessment of health status. This includes activities such as obtaining medical and health record of a n individual, performing nursing assessments, and conducting physical examination on patients. Nurse practitioners also perform preventive screening procedures based on the patientââ¬â¢s age and history. Such screening includes those for hearing, sight, and cancer. Identification of medical health risks and requirements is also under the scope of practice of this profession.The second category is the application of suitable diagnosis based on previous examinations and clinical findings. They execute and interpret diagnostic studies such as routine laboratory tests, EKGs and X-rays. Diagnosing, treating, evaluating, and managing minor and common and acute and stable illness and diseases such as injuries, diabetes, and high blood pressure are being employed by nurse practitioners. Also, with proper training or with supervision, they are also allowed to perform minor surgeries and procedures and may be First Assistants in the OR.Central to the care provided by nurse practitioners ar e the conditions of the patients and the further effect of illness on the lives of the patients and the patientsââ¬â¢ relatives. Thus, supportive counseling and educating patients regarding their health behaviors stressing out health promotion and citing preventive measures on illness and diseases are also under the practice of nurse practitioners. Providing prenatal care, conducting well-child screenings and immunizations, prescribing rehabilitation treatments and medications, though limited in some states, are also being practiced. All of these fall under the third category and can be summarized as the management of the case.This further identifies the needs of individual, family or community the assessment and interpretation of data collected.à Evaluation and execution of plan of care are also being stressed in the practice of such profession. Nurse practitioners also establish collaborative working relationship with physicians to provide comprehensive care and refer patien ts to other health professionals as needed to meet the appropriate health and medical goals.Nurse practitioners with specialization may include other specific activities in their scope of practice in line with their acquired specialty to further serve the target population. For pedriatric nurse practitioner, for instance, one may include the analysis of factors that may affect the childââ¬â¢s growth and development. Studies relating to abnormal and normal development in relation to anatomical, physiological, motor, cognitive, and social behavior of the child may be included in his scope of practice. Womenââ¬â¢s health care nurse practitioner may perform fertility counseling and infertility management and may also give prescription and management of birth control pills and diaphragms or provide family planning services.To further improve the scope of practice, there are nurse practitioners that take advance training for certain clinical procedures. These procedures which can be accomplished by nurse practitioners with effective training which depends on previous experience and practice limitations of individual state Nurse Practice Acts.The continuing progress to cope with changing health care needs of the society is the responsibility of the nurse practitioners. They unite the role of being a care resource person, counselor and educator, researcher and administrator especially in the field of primary health care. Members of such profession are liable for the expansion and improvement of the practice of such profession and this can be achieved through involvement and active participation in professional health care organizations and their activities as they ensure that the standards on the scope of practice for nurse practitioners are maintained.ReferencesKozier B., et al. (1998). Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts, Process and Practice.Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice. (2007). American College ofà à Nurse Practitioners . à à à à à à à à à à à Retrieved 02 December 2007 from G. et al. (2007). Defining Nurse Practitioner Scope of Practice:
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Bad Teachers
The poor teaching habits of teachers shows greatly in the way students learn. It causes students to become unmotivated, drop out, and it also increases their chances of going to prison. In the documentary ââ¬Å"Waiting for Supermanâ⬠states that because of bad teachers students are more likely to fail and drop out of school. In the documentary they showed that bad teachers just sat in class and slept or did not teach but since they had tenure they could not be fired without going through paperwork and courts. The students are what suffer the most because of this.Bad teachers are the main cause of failing grades, unmotivated students, and the increase of high school dropouts in prisons. The lackadaisical mentors cause students to hate what they are learning and not want to learn. It also causes them to not go to class and start to fail. The documentary stated that careless teachers only cover fifty percent of the material while good teachers can cover three times that. In my hig h school we had a teacher who didnââ¬â¢t make class worth coming to. She would give notes and handouts and sit at her desk the whole class.It made it really hard for me to learn, or want to learn. I basically had to teach myself algebra because she wouldnââ¬â¢t. Then when the next year came along I had no idea what we were learning. My lazy teacher ruined mathematics for me. When students become unmotivated they start to fail their classes because they think they canââ¬â¢t learn, or they are stupid, when in reality it is the teachers fault. Failing students can become depressed or not care what happens to their future but they donââ¬â¢t realize that with failing grades colleges wonââ¬â¢t accept you, and if you do get into a college you wonââ¬â¢t know the material.Bad teachers are the cause of unmotivated students because when students donââ¬â¢t have fun learning they wonââ¬â¢t want to learn. When students donââ¬â¢t want to learn it ruins their chances of g etting good grades in that class and also other classes. Prisons are filled with high school dropouts because they canââ¬â¢t get a good job without a diploma. To make extra money they may sell drugs or rob people and when they get caught they go to jail. I personally believe that if the school system was fixed there wouldnââ¬â¢t be as much crime because people would want to learn and go to college to make good money. The cause of all of this goes back to the teachers. Waiting for Supermanâ⬠shows the statistics of high school dropouts to inmates in prison and they were very high. The school system needs revised so that students can get a better education and be able to succeed in life. Until we can do this the bad teachers will continue to ruin studentsââ¬â¢ education making them not want to learn or end up dropping out. The documentary ââ¬Å"Waiting for Supermanâ⬠was very educational of how schools cannot change due to tenure and unions. I believe that bad teac hers will never go away until they start to notice that this generation is failing because of the education we need but did not receive.
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